于 2011年07月21日 09:35, Taku Izumi 写道:
On Wed, 20 Jul 2011 10:17:14 +0200
Michal Privoznik<mprivozn(a)redhat.com> wrote:
> That's strange. Works for me. Can you please run:
> cd tests; VIR_TEST_DEBUG=1 ./domainschematest
> or ./networkschematest
> It should help me to trace error. Btw: I suppose current master runs
> without these errors for you.
Thank you for your help.
I tried again after getting the latest libvirt, but I could't solve
this problem (make rpm failed..)
According to the following result, it seems to pass each test, but
"make rpm" failed in my environment.
What's the error of "make rpm"?