On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 10:21:48AM -0700, Dan Smith wrote:
DB> IMHO there's too much forking going on here. With the
DB> driver we should have the daemon be the parent of the forked VM as
DB> per the QEMU driver. This will avoid the need to unsafely re-write
DB> the config files. It will also enable errors during the domain
DB> creation process to be correctly propagated back to the caller.
In the case of being called from libvirtd, this seems correct.
However, if you're not going through the daemon, I think that the
double-fork isolation is important, no? Being a child of something as
complex as a CIM server seems like a bad idea to me.
The patch I posted to make it use the state driver means all LXC driver
calls go via the daemon. So nothing happens directly as a child of the
calling application - its all in the context of the daemon.
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