On Sat, Jul 05, 2008 at 01:59:26PM +0200, Matthias Pfafferodt wrote:
I try to save a KVM domain which has its hard disk on a LVM volume. I can
execute the command to save the domain but restore fails
# virsh list
Id Name State
3 kvm-linux03 running
4 kvm-linux01 running
# virsh save kvm-linux01 ./kvm-linux01.ram
Domain kvm-linux01 saved to ./kvm-linux01.ram
# virsh list
Id Name State
3 kvm-linux03 running
# virsh restore ./kvm-linux01.ram
libvir: QEMU error : operation failed: failed to start VM
error: Failed to restore domain from ./kvm-linux01.ram
You don't mention which version of KVM or libvirt being used, or which
distro. If its Fedora then plesae file a bug against libvirt or KVM.
There's one possible issue in KVM that could be causing it depending
on which version you're using.
I tried to save and restore this domain using kvm directly
# /usr/bin/qemu-kvm -m 1024 -boot c -drive
file=/dev/virtual/kvm_linux01,if=ide,index=0,boot=on -net
nic,macaddr=00:16:3e:00:01:02,vlan=0 -net
(qemu) savevm kvm-linux01.ram
Device id0-hd0 does not support VM state snapshots
Libvirt doesn't use savevm - it uses the migration protocol support
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