On 10/19/2015 08:36 AM, Maxim Perevedentsev wrote:
On 10/16/2015 08:13 PM, Laine Stump wrote:
> On 10/16/2015 12:51 PM, Maxim Perevedentsev wrote:
>> On 10/15/2015 09:03 PM, Laine Stump wrote:
>>> This loop *really* bothers me, because there is no failsafe to
>>> terminate it if we never get positive notification that DAD has
>>> completed. This would lock up the network driver startup, which
>>> would lock up libvirtd startup. I think we need to decide on what
>>> is the maximum time this could possibly take to complete (maybe it
>>> is somehow based on the number of interfaces? or maybe it doesn't
>>> matter...) and timeout from the loop after the appropriate iterations.
>> I did not hear about general timeout for this operation. Maybe 5
>> min, for example?
> 5 minutes is a very long time when everything else is being held up.
> If the wait for each network is much beyond a couple seconds, we'll
> need to think about spawning off a thread to wait for DAD.
> (if you're curious where the single-threadedness is, look at
> virStateInitialize() - it calls the stateAutoStart() function for
> each subsystem driver in sequence, and within the stateAutoStart()
> for the network driver, each network with autostart set is called in
> sequence).
I looked at kernel sources. It looks like DAD time is configurable:
rand() % net.ipv6.conf.default.router_solicitation_delay [1s] +
net.ipv6.conf.default.dad_transmits [1] *
net.ipv6.neigh.default.retrans_time_ms [1000ms]
By default on my machine, it gives 0s + 1 * 1000ms = 1s maximum.
Kernel keeps track of DAD success (on timeout) / fail. We could take
these variables from sysctl, but this is cumbersome. I suggest taking
5s as maximum timeout and hope this is not too long.
Yes, I *really* do not want to write this thread-related stuff :)
I agree. I think it would be okay to put a 5s timeout on the loop. We
should probably have a VIR_DEBUG before we start waiting for DAD, and
another when we're finished, so that someone experiencing long delays in
startup will be able to determine the reason.