On Wed, Aug 08, 2007 at 01:55:15PM +0100, John Levon wrote:
On Wed, Aug 08, 2007 at 05:22:33AM +0100, Daniel P. Berrange wrote:
> UNIX domain sockets already provide a way for each end to identify the PID
> and UID of the other end. This enables the libvirt daemon to determine the
> identity of the application on the other end. With this information the
> daemon merely needs to check this identity against some access control policy
> rules. Where to get/define these rules though ?
> Enter PolicyKit.
This is entirely new to me, but I suspect this doesn't have any Solaris
integration support (yet? I'm asking around about this).
It has only recently had a 'useful' release. It is used by the current HAL
and GNOME Volume Manager releases, so I imagine it'll be getting ported
to Solaris in the near future if its not already under way.
> - libvirtd defines two actions it can check called
> (read only monitoring of state), and 'libvirt-local-manage' (full
> read-write management).
Good... but I think we need to consider true delegation as well, that
is, allowing a certain credential to control only one named object. At
least we need to make sure that's possible in the future without
breaking anything here.
Yep fine grained mandatory access control per VM/network is definitely
something I want implemented. It is not clear whether this is something
that would be done in PolicyKit in the future, or whether we'd end up
using SELinux for it. The latter pretty compelling on Linux because its
a unified MAC system usable across kernel & userspace (DBus, SE-Postgres,
Oddjob to list some examples). Obvious downside is that there would need
to be a different impl on non-Linux. Fortunatel all these details ought
to be more or less hidden inside libvirt and not be exposed in the public
API aside from a opaque 'token' for labelling the security context of an
> - libvirtd use SO_PEERCRED to get the PID of the client
Solaris doesn't have this, but the more powerful getpeerucred():
There's at least 5 different impls of this general context across the
various UNIX OS :-( I've just suggested to David Z that PolicyKit provide
a 'polkit_caller_new_from_socket' API, so all the OS specific code for
getting a UID from a socket can be isolated in polkicykit libraries rather
than making each individual app re-implement the portability.
Typically, we would then compare either the process's privilege
set or
the user id. Privileges will likely have to come later but the user ID
will translate directly into RBAC:
Now, it may be the case that we can fit into the Policy Kit framework
and that work is ongoing, which would make things simple from libvirt
point of view (only need to replace SO_PEERCRED by getpeerucred for
now). I will endeavour to find out for you...
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