On 04.05.2016 13:50, Roman Bogorodskiy wrote:
I'd like to introduce Fabian Freyer (CCed), he's taking part in Google
Support of Code this year within FreeBSD organization and his project is
called "Improving libvirt support for bhyve".
Hey, that's awesome! I wasn't aware that somebody outside libvirt GSoC
org is actually intending to work on libvirt.
Below I'm sharing a tentative plan we currently have. Or, to be more
specific, it's a list of ideas for the bhyve driver with things were
implementation is clear going first, followed by items were some
additional research and working on approach needed. There's no goal to
implement everything from this list though.
This list was assembled by Fabian with some minor edits from me.
Suggestions and ideas are very welcome.
The primary aim of this project is to implement missing calls and
functionality in the libvirt bhyve driver. According to the libvirt API
Support Matrix [1], there are a large number of calls not yet implemented. While
some missing API calls are not applicable to bhyve, a number of them are,
among them the following calls:
General calls:
- virConnectDomainXMLFromNative
This would mostly be an argument parser for a bhyve(8) and bhyvectl(8)
command line.
- virConnectGetCPUModelNames
This needs a research: bhyve is not very flexible in configuration of
what CPU model is exposed to the guest, need to figure out if that’s
worth implementing now.
Connection calls:
Most of these include some form of authentication handling and are
therefore not applicable. However, the following do apply to bhyve and are
easy to implement:
- virConnectGetType
Trivially return “BHYVE”
- virConnectIsAlive
Trivially return 1, since “A connection will be classed as
alive if it is [...] local” and /dev/vmm is local.
- virConnectIsEncrypted
Trivially return 0, since bhyve does not support encrypted interfaces.
General Domain calls:
- virDomainGetMaxMemory
Since bhyve does not support memory ballooning, just
return the amount of memory allocated here
- virDomainGetMaxVcpus, virDomainGetVcpus
Would use the approach described in this mailing list
thread: “Until the vCPU state is exposed by bhyvectl, or we provide a
sysctl, you can use heuristics: the number of vCPU threads for the bhyve
process, or scan all vCPUs and only count those that have a non-zero RIP.” [2]
- virDomainGetCPUStats
- virDomainGetTime
- virDomainInjectNMI
Call bhyvectl --inject-nmi
- virDomainReset
Reset a bhyve VM with ‘bhyvectl --force-reset’ and then clean things up
using bhyvectl --destroy; update bhyve monitor code to handle exit
code 0 from bhyve(8) that’s corresponding to reset (0 - reset
/ reboot, 1 - shutdown, 2 - halt) to trigger re-starting of the VM.
My knowledge of the bhyve is very limited, but isn't --force-reset just
enough? Or it is merely just sending the request to the hypervisor and
then we have to lurk for actual request execution?
- virDomainReboot