On 08/09/2011 11:45 PM, Laine Stump wrote:
This should have been done with the rest of the patch for virtual
switch / network device abstraction.
And I should have called you on this before the 0.9.4 release - oh well :)
+ A portgroup provides a method of easily putting guest
+ connections to the network into different classes, with each
+ class potentially having a different level/type of service. Each
+ network can have multiple portgroup elements (and one of those
+ can optionally be designated as the 'default' portgroup for the
+ network), and each portgroup has a name, as well as various
+ subelements associated with it. The currently supported
+ subelements are<code><bandwidth></code>
+ and<code><virtualport></code>, which are both fully
+ described in the domain XML documentation.
Is there any way to make cross-page relative links, so that you can make
this a link to the right section in the domain XML page? But not a
show-stopper to this patch if you aren't sure how.
Eric Blake eblake(a)redhat.com +1-801-349-2682
Libvirt virtualization library