On Wed, 2007-01-17 at 06:50 -0500, Daniel Veillard wrote:
Thibgs which were dirt cheap become way more
expensive when they don't need to, this is a severe regression from a
library user standpoint.
Just a small point on this ...
Are you sure that's optimising for the right thing? What libvirt API is
so performance sensitive that a roundtrip on a unix domain socket would
be a problem?
For example, even iterating the list of domain names is going to have a
negligible cost compared with loading libvirt from disk :-)
However, the number of roundtrips to a management daemon *will* be an
issue where the daemon is remote. And we're going to have that whether
we use a daemon in the local case.
i.e. even *if* daemon roundtrips turn out to be an issue for local
apps, we're going to have to fix that for the remote case anyway.