At Thu, 09 Aug 2012 08:39:39 -0600,
Eric Blake wrote:
> Rather, I would /very/ much like these superfluous prefixes of all enum
> constants to be removed from the libvirt-java interface. They're of no
> use really, despite adding to the code bloat.
Indeed - the whole point of bindings in OO languages is to remove the
superfluous prefixes used for namespacing in C when we can instead use
the object oriented namespacing; ErrorDomain.FROM_QEMU reads much better
than ErrorDomain.VIR_FROM_QEMU. A followup patch to alter the
namespacing might be nice (but _then_ you have to worry about
back-compat to existing clients; can you have two enum names, FROM_QEMU
and VIR_FROM_QEMU, that both share the same numeric value?)
Well, no -- and yes. Enums in Java have an ordinal value automatically
attached to them, but they can have arbitrary other attributes also.
But, another thing I noticed is that quite a few Java methods return
an int when they really should return a boolean (throwing an exception
if the libvirt function failed).
Fixing this would also change the API. So, it's probably a good idea
bumping the minor version number of libvirt-java and just fix it once
and for all times instead of inventing some workaround now?
> -- >8 --
> Subject: [libvirt-java PATCHv3] Fix IndexOutOfBoundsException for
> unknown error number/domain/level
> codes.
'git am' couldn't parse this properly, and I had to amend the commit to
trim out the rest of your message (not a severe issue, but I'm not sure
why things didn't quite go like normal).
Sorry for the inconvenience, maybe it's because I'm on Windows... I'll
try to test it before sending it off next time.
ACK and pushed.
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