On Thu, Sep 27, 2012 at 04:41:37PM +0200, Jiri Denemark wrote:
While the changes to sanlock driver should be stable, the actual
implementation of sanlock_helper is supposed to be replaced in the
future. However, before we can implement a better sanlock_helper, we
need an administrative interface to libvirtd so that the helper can just
pass a "leases lost" event to the particular libvirt driver and
everything else will be taken care of internally. This approach will
also allow libvirt to pass such event to applications and use
appropriate reasons when changing domain states.
The temporary implementation handles all actions directly by calling
appropriate libvirt APIs (which among other things means that it needs
to know the credentials required to connect to libvirtd).
+static int
+getCredentials(const char *driver)
+ virConfPtr conf = NULL;
+ char *path;
+ int ret = -1;
+ if (virAsprintf(&path, "%s/libvirt/%s-sanlock.conf",
+ SYSCONFDIR, driver) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ if (!(conf = virConfReadFile(path, 0))) {
+ ret = 0;
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ if (getConfig(conf, "helper_login", &login) < 0 ||
+ getConfig(conf, "helper_password", &password) < 0 ||
Libvirt already has support built-in for loading usernames and
passwords from a configuration file, so I don't think we need
to duplicate that in the sanlock config file. This is just a
documentation task to describe where to put the login info
for sanlock to use it.
+ if (virAsprintf(&uri, "%s:///%s",
+ driver,
+ STREQ(driver, "qemu") ? "system" : "")
< 0)
+ goto cleanup;
This seems rather dubious to me and re-inforces my opinion that
we should be passing the full URI, not the driver name.
http://berrange.com -o-
http://www.flickr.com/photos/dberrange/ :|
http://libvirt.org -o-
http://virt-manager.org :|
http://autobuild.org -o-
http://search.cpan.org/~danberr/ :|
http://entangle-photo.org -o-
http://live.gnome.org/gtk-vnc :|