Hi Daniel
On Monday 03 November 2008 16:43:32 Daniel Veillard wrote:
Interesting, but this raises a couple of questions:
- isn't OpenNebula in some way also an abstraction layer for the
hypervisors, so in a sense a libvirt driver for OpenNebula
is a bit 'redundant' ? Maybe i didn't understood well the
principles behind OpenNebula :-) (sorry first time I learn about
Yes you are right, OpenNebula provides an abstraction layer for A SET of
distributed resources (like Platform VM Orchestrator or VMWare DRS). In this
way, OpenNebula leverages the functionality provided by the underlying VM
hypervisors to provide a centralized management (allocation and re/allocation
of VMs, balance of workload....) of a pool physical resources.
The libvirt API is just another interface to the OpenNebula system. The beauty
is that you can manage a whole cluster of hypervisors using the libvirt
standard, i.e. in the same way you interact with a single machine.
For example, oVirt uses libvirt to interact with the physical nodes. With
OpenNebula+libvirt, one of the nodes managed with oVirt could be a whole
cluster. In this case you could use the great interface from oVirt to manage
several clusters. And you could abstract those applications from the details
of managing the cluster (for example, is there NFS in it?, group/user
Finally, and may be adding more confusion, OpenNebula also uses libvirt
underneath to interface with some of the hypervisors of the physical nodes
(e.g. KVM).
- what is the future of that patch ? Basically libvirt internals
changes extremely fast, so unless a driver gets included as part
of libvirt own code source, there is a lot of maintainance and
usability problems resulting from the split. Do you intent to
submit it for inclusion, or is that more a trial to gauge interest ?
Submitting the driver for inclusion means the code will have to be
reviewed, released under LGPL, and a voluteer should be available
for future maintainance and integration issues.
Yes we are highly interested in contributing the driver. We have no problems
with the requirements and we can commit resources to maintain and integrate
the driver. Please let me know how we should proceed...
thanks !
Dr. Ruben Santiago Montero
Associate Professor
Distributed System Architecture Group (