As a follow on to a recent series which created macros for various
virsh-*.c command options, see:
(although best to view by index since there are varying opinions on
the matter)...
Modify virsh-domain.c and virsh-volume.c to "follow" the concept of
macro-ifying some commonly used options. In order to choose, I used:
$ grep "{.name =" tools/virsh-*.c | \
grep -v "help" | grep -v "desc" | grep -v NULL | \
sort -i | uniq -c | sort -n
To generate a list by module. That generated a list where I randomly
picked 9 as the nexus, leaving the following:
9 tools/virsh-domain.c: {.name = "persistent",
10 tools/virsh-snapshot.c: {.name = "domain",
12 tools/virsh-network.c: {.name = "network",
12 tools/virsh-pool.c: {.name = "pool",
13 tools/virsh-volume.c: {.name = "vol",
14 tools/virsh-domain.c: {.name = "file",
14 tools/virsh-domain-monitor.c: {.name = "domain",
14 tools/virsh-volume.c: {.name = "pool",
26 tools/virsh-domain.c: {.name = "current",
28 tools/virsh-domain.c: {.name = "config",
28 tools/virsh-domain.c: {.name = "live",
81 tools/virsh-domain.c: {.name = "domain",
Because virsh-domain-monitor.c, virsh-network.c, and virsh-snapshot.c
only had one element with larger counts - I just left them as is and
focused on the virsh-domain.c and virsh-volume.c.
The perhaps more controversial choice will be the "file" option in
virsh-domain.c which had numerous different helpstr values. I chose
to macro-ify them using the entire helpstr including the N_("xxx")
rather than just "xxx" since the N_ is the I18N marker.
John Ferlan (8):
virsh: Create macro for common "domain" option
virsh: Create macro for common "persistent" option
virsh: Create macro for common "config" option
virsh: Create macro for common "live" option
virsh: Create macro for common "current" option
virsh: Create macro for common "file" option
virsh: Create macros for common "pool" options
virsh: Create macros for common "vol" options
tools/virsh-domain.c | 918 +++++++++++----------------------------------------
tools/virsh-volume.c | 155 +++------
2 files changed, 247 insertions(+), 826 deletions(-)