Thanks for your quick answer.
I forgot to restart libvirt on one node.
Now I have an other error message:
libvir: QEMU error : operation failed: failed to start listening VM
Is there any kernel limitation also ? will it work with my distro 2.6.26
kernel with kvm-79 userspace component or do I have to have kvm-79
kernel module also, or even kernel then 2.6.26 ?
In other (debian) words, will an "apt-get update kvm -t
experimental" (which provides kvm-79) be enough on my lenny (I would
like to limit unstable or experimental packages) ?
On Mon, 2008-12-01 at 15:12 +0100, Chris Lalancette wrote:
Mickaël Canévet wrote:
> Hi,
> I just installed libvirt 0.5.0 on Debian Lenny with KVM 0.72 to try KVM
> migration support.
> When I try to migrate a VM from one node to the other one, I have this
> error message:
> libvir: error : this function is not supported by the hypervisor:
> virDomainMigrate
> Is it really supposed to work ? Do I have to upgrade KVM to a newer
> version ?
Yes, it is supposed to work, but yes, you need a very, very new KVM. In
particular, you need at least kvm-77, and it won't really work right until you
get to kvm-79.
Mickaël Canévet.
European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL)
Grenoble Outstation. FRANCE