Hi there,
I have been testing the Network Filter [1] feature of libvirt with KVM on RHEL-5.6 and
RHEL-6. On RHEL-5.6, it works well except the $IP variable is not supported thus cannot
use the clean-filter.
The major problem I found on RHEL-6 is that the iptables rules introduced by nwfilter does
not prevent any traffic. The problem is that all traffic going to the VM virtual NIC
interface goes through the INPUT chain of the iptables instead of the supposed-to-be
FORWARD chain (this is what the nwfilter rules are working on) so that none of the rules
have any effect.
I am not sure whether this is a libvirt problem or iptables problem. But it seems to me
that changing from RHEL-5.6 to RHEL-6, the network traffic works differently.
Has anyone had similar experience? Any suggestion or comments are welcome.
Thank you very much.
Shi Jin, PhD