https://libvirt.org/html/libvirt-libvirt-domain.html#virDomainIsUpdated> states:
int virDomainIsUpdated (virDomainPtr dom)
Determine if the domain has been updated.
dom: pointer to the domain object
Returns: 1 if updated, 0 if not, -1 on error
Not very enlightening :-(
So what's the meaning of "updated" here: "inactive XML got changed but
the currently running VM was started from a different XML"?
Only very few drivers seem to mention it at all and they seem to mean
different things. Any nobody seems to update the variable, only 4 readers:
$ git grep -ne '->updated'
libxl/libxl_driver.c:4844: ret = vm->updated;
lxc/lxc_driver.c:343: ret = obj->updated;
qemu/qemu_driver.c:1628: ret = obj->updated;
uml/uml_driver.c:1456: ret = obj->updated;
Thank you for the clarification.
Philipp Hahn
Open Source Software Engineer
Univention GmbH
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