I've tested some functions of libvirt don't work. Could some people give me a
reasonable explanation about these functions? Why do these function don't work? Or if
there is anything wrong of my understanding.
1.virsh # migrate 1 xen+ssh://root@ error: POST operation failed:
xend_post: error from xen daemon: (xend.err "can't connect: (-2, 'Name or
service not known')")
2.virsh # dommemstat 5error: Failed to get memory statistics for domain 5error: this
function is not supported by the hypervisor: virDomainMemoryStats
3.virsh # dump 5 fileerror: Failed to core dump domain 5 to fileerror: POST operation
failed: xend_post: error from xen daemon: (xend.err 'Too many values for live')
4.virsh # iface-list error: Failed to list active interfaceserror: this function is not
supported by the hypervisor: virConnectNumOfInterfaces
5.virsh # vncdisplay 5:1
virsh # vncdisplay 41:0
6.virsh # snapshot-create 42 snapshot.xml error: Failed to create snapshot snapshot.xml
for domain 42
7.NWFILTER functions
Thank you very much!