I'm sorry. My fault. When Eric said that I thought that he was talking
about the short commit message.
Well, now I know that he is talking about the whole commit messages.
Thanks for your help. I'm still familiarizing myself with the rules of
the group and patches. It's ok for me to generate a patch and send.
But, I didn't know about PATCHv2. I saw it in mailing list. But, I
didn't know why someone sent a PATCHv2. Now, I know. =)
About, S-o-b. You're right it's better using "Suggested by" instead
"S-o-b". My fault again. That sort of thing you only get with
Finishing, about the compilation falied, I will check it. I wanna
discover why my changes compile successfull and here is not compiling.
Thanks everybody!
Julio Cesar Faracco