On 10/21/2012 03:12 PM, yue wrote:
i am reading source code, begin with tracing simple command line
,like virsh list and forth.
please look at my qurestions
1.how libvirt communicate with qemu?
For starters, before diving into code, I'm learning it this way, by tracing all the
commands(let it be Qemu's QMP or others) virsh is calling:
Place the below log filters in /etc/libvirt/libvirtd.conf.
log_filters="1:libvirt 1:qemu_monitor 1:util 1:qemu"
And, monitor /var/log/libvirt/libvirtd.log for all the calls libvirt is making.
For your other questions, I'll let more qualified people answer it.
call qemu'lib or open special device/socket?
2. i do not find the implement of function qemuAgentOpen---->qemuAgentInitialize().
i also search qemu-kvm source
3. qemuListAllDomains is the function which corespond to virsh-list. please explain
this function .
virDomainList(conn, driver->domains.objs, domains, flags);
i) it seems driver->domains.objs have gotten all dmains. so when and where
driver->domains.objs is assigned.
ii)and what is conn,and its definition?
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