On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 10:48:44AM +0900, Takayuki Usui wrote:
The patch adds generic ethernet type to LXC, that allows you to make
an arbitrary virtual network interface and associate it to an LXC
domain. That does not, however, provide a means to execute a script,
that is still available only for QEMU.
1. Create a virtual ethernet device pair
# ip link add type veth (e.g. veth0 and veth1 by default)
2. Define a LXC domain and associate it to one end of the pair
<interface type='ethernet'>
<target dev='veth1'/>
3. Do whatever you like, for example, add another end of the pair
to a bridge (e.g. br0)
# brctr addif br0 veth0
# ip link set dev veth0 up
4. Start a LXC domain. The interface shows up as eth0 in the domain.
Obviously the example you show here can already be accomplished
using type=bridge. So I'm curious what usage scenario you need
this addition for ? What type of config are you doing that is not
possible using one of the non-ethernet device types ?
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