Thanks Matthias,
For example, when I start up a guest which depends on an NFS server, I would like to pass
the ip address of the NFS server to the new guest, so that the new guest can configure
itself to point to the proper NFS server.
This is what I mean by userdata.
In EC2 or Eucalyptus this is done by UserData, where the guest can "wget
http://xxx/userdata" to obtain this information.
Of course, I'm not asking libvirt to function like Eucalyptus. If I'm controlling
guests on the same host, I can create a USB disk image and attache it to the guest with
virt-install. I'm just wondering is there an easy to do it in a remotely managed
libvertd server?
Thank you very much!
On Mar 17, 2010, at 11:07 AM, Matthias Bolte wrote:
2010/3/17 Yushu Yao <yao.yushu(a)>:
> Hi Experts,
> Forgive me if not clear enough, will try to be describe what I need.
> What I need: Start a VM on a remote libvirtd server based on an existing image (Might
or might not exist on server), plus some userdata.
> It is pretty much the same like EC2 or Eucalyptus, but we need to run on our private
cluster with only libvirtd. (Eucalyptus doesn't support using physical disk in VMs,
that is what we need).
> I went through the Remote Libvirt control section of the Documentation, but
couldn't find a way to pass the userdata to the VM started.
> Does libvirtd already include such feature of do I need to make my own.
> Thanks
> -Yushu
What exactly do you mean if you refer to userdata?
And what exactly do you mean if you say you want to pass it do a guest?
| Yushu Yao
| Ph:1-510-486-4690
| Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
| Mailstop 50B-6222
| 1 Cyclotron Road
| Berkeley CA 94720-8147 - USA