Am Donnerstag 10 Juni 2010 10:28:15 schrieb IKI-サガル バルウェ:
1. Get the XML Desc of the source Domain using
2. Get the Hypervisor Object for the source Domain using
3. Create a new Domain using the "virDomainCreateXML" method.
After doing this, I get the following error:
libvirt.libvirtError: POST operation failed: xend_post: error from xen
daemon: (xend.err "Error creating domain: VM name already in use by domain
I think you must at least change the UUID (/domain/uuid) and name
(/domain/name) in the XML description. Very like you also need to duplicate
the used disk images and update their paths
(/domain/devices/disk/source/@file) accordingly, unless you really want your
domians to share them.
Philipp Hahn
Philipp Hahn Open Source Software Engineer hahn(a)univention.de
Univention GmbH Linux for Your Business fon: +49 421 22 232- 0
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