I've observed memory leak in long-running python program and
suspects a bug in libvirt-python.
libvirt-python contains auto-generated code like this:
libvirt_virDomainGetXMLDesc(...) {
c_retval = virDomainGetXMLDesc(domain, flags);
py_retval = libvirt_charPtrWrap((char *) c_retval);
return py_retval;
virDomainGetXMLDesc() expects the caller to free c_retval.
Though it used to be freed in libvirt_charPtrWrap(), commit bb3301ba
("Don't free passed in args in libvirt_charPtrWrap /
libvirt_charPtrSizeWrap") has moved the responsibility to the outside.
So, it seems either GetXMLDesc should not depend on auto-generation or
the generator should be fixed.
Any comments?
Jun'ichi Nomura, NEC Corporation