i try to restore a domain without a valid disk (I deleted the diskfile
before restoring it ...). Normally, this must always produce an error.
** The first time, an error occurred - OK:
[root@xen03 srv]# virsh restore /srv/save
libvir: QEMU error : operation failed: failed to start VM
error: Failed to restore domain from /srv/save
** But the second time, the command hang:
[root@xen03 srv]# virsh restore /srv/save
[root@xen03 srv]# virsh list
[root@xen03 srv]#
I can't use libvirt now, until restarting the daemon....
*** The domain looks like this (/tmp/winxp100 does NOT exist)
<domain type='kvm' id='3'>
<type arch='i686' machine='pc'>hvm</type>
<boot dev='hd'/>
<clock offset='utc'/>
<disk type='block' device='disk'>
<driver name='qemu'/>
<source dev='/tmp/winxp100'/>
<target dev='hda' bus='ide'/>
<interface type='bridge'>
<mac address='52:54:00:cf:3e:66'/>
<source bridge='br0'/>
<script path='/etc/kvm/kvm-qemu-ipup.sh'/>
<target dev='vnet1'/>
<model type='e1000'/>
<serial type='pty'>
<source path='/dev/pts/6'/>
<target port='0'/>
<console type='pty' tty='/dev/pts/6'>
<source path='/dev/pts/6'/>
<target port='0'/>
<input type='tablet' bus='usb'/>
<input type='mouse' bus='ps2'/>
<graphics type='vnc' port='5901' autoport='yes'/>
Is this a bug ?
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Geschäftsführer: Daniel Schwager, Stefan Hörz - HRB Stuttgart 19870
Tel: +49-711-849910-32, Fax: -932 - Mailto:daniel.schwager@dtnet.de