NB: This can wait until 4.2.0 is release, but I figured I'd post this
now just to put it on the radar and of course in hopes that someone
will look during the idle moment or two before the release.
Changes since v1:
Short story: Rework the processing of the code
Longer story:
In his review Erik noted that there's a "fire dance" when processing
the vir*Obj*Remove APIs of requiring a locked object upon entry, then
adding a reference to that object, unlocking the object, locking the
list to which it is contained, and then relocking the object.
So it took some time to think about it and during one lengthy meeting
today I had the aha moment that the *Remove API's could take the same
key (e.g., uuid or name) used to Add or Find the object and use it for
the Remove API. This allows the Remove API to not require a locked (and
reffed) object upon entry and perform the lock dance, remove the object,
and return just just a reffed object forcing the caller to know to Unref
Instead, let's simplify things. The *Remove API can take the key, Find
the object in the list, remove it from the hash tables, and dispose of
the object. In essence the antecedent to the Add or AssignDef API's
taking a def, creating an object, and adding it the object to the hash
table(s). If there are two *Remove threads competing, one will win and
perform the removal, while the other will call *Remove, but won't find
the object in the hash table, and just return none the wiser.
And yes, I think this can also work for the Domain code, but it's going
to take a few patch series to get there as that code is not consistent
between consumers.
John Ferlan (9):
secret: Rework LoadAllConfigs
secret: Alter virSecretObjListRemove processing
interface: Alter virInterfaceObjListRemove processing
nodedev: Alter virNodeDeviceObjListRemove processing
conf: Clean up virStoragePoolObjLoad error processing
storage: Clean up storagePoolCreateXML error processing
test: Clean up testStoragePoolCreateXML error processing
conf: Move virStoragePoolObjRemove closer to AssignDef
storagepool: Alter virStoragePoolObjRemove processing
src/conf/virinterfaceobj.c | 26 +++++++----
src/conf/virinterfaceobj.h | 2 +-
src/conf/virnodedeviceobj.c | 29 +++++++-----
src/conf/virnodedeviceobj.h | 2 +-
src/conf/virsecretobj.c | 58 +++++++++++-------------
src/conf/virsecretobj.h | 2 +-
src/conf/virstorageobj.c | 92 +++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
src/conf/virstorageobj.h | 2 +-
src/node_device/node_device_hal.c | 16 ++++---
src/node_device/node_device_udev.c | 13 ++++--
src/secret/secret_driver.c | 15 ++++---
src/storage/storage_driver.c | 65 +++++++++++++++------------
src/test/test_driver.c | 78 +++++++++++++++++---------------
13 files changed, 225 insertions(+), 175 deletions(-)