On 08/09/2012 07:55 AM, Claudio Bley wrote:
>> + VIR_ERR_UNKNOWN; /* unknown error (must be the last
entry!) */
> ...and this common use of a name among two different enums going to bite
> us?
No, not at all. Enums are type-safe in Java and enums have their own
namespace; one always has to specify the enum name when referring to
an enum constant. (except in case statements where the compiler can
infer the type of the enum constant)
Rather, I would /very/ much like these superfluous prefixes of all enum
constants to be removed from the libvirt-java interface. They're of no
use really, despite adding to the code bloat.
Indeed - the whole point of bindings in OO languages is to remove the
superfluous prefixes used for namespacing in C when we can instead use
the object oriented namespacing; ErrorDomain.FROM_QEMU reads much better
than ErrorDomain.VIR_FROM_QEMU. A followup patch to alter the
namespacing might be nice (but _then_ you have to worry about
back-compat to existing clients; can you have two enum names, FROM_QEMU
and VIR_FROM_QEMU, that both share the same numeric value?)
-- >8 --
Subject: [libvirt-java PATCHv3] Fix IndexOutOfBoundsException for
unknown error number/domain/level
'git am' couldn't parse this properly, and I had to amend the commit to
trim out the rest of your message (not a severe issue, but I'm not sure
why things didn't quite go like normal).
Remove default constructor because it does not init the object properly.
Add a special *_UNKNOWN enum value to each enum which is used when the
given enum code is out of bounds.
src/main/java/org/libvirt/Error.java | 43 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
1 file changed, 35 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
ACK and pushed.
Eric Blake eblake(a)redhat.com +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library