Hi, is there any existing way for skipping virDomainDiskDefAssignAddress
for disk configuration?
I want to send the following XML to libvirt, but I got the error
"virDomainDiskDefAssignAddress:7642 : XML error: Unknown disk name '0A80'
and no address specified".
<disk type='file'>
<source file='/volumes_qcow2/DMRES1.qcow2'/>
<target dev='0A80' />
According to the source code, target device must be one of {"fd",
"vd", "sd", "xvd", "ubd"} + alphabet (+ number).
Our guest OS is not
Linux, so I'd like to skip this limitation. Actually, I want to specify
4-digits hexadecimal number in target device.
Is there any hypervisor driver for Windows? I guess that it also has the
same problem.
Motohiro Kawahito, Commercial Systems, IBM Research - Tokyo
19-21 Nihonbashi, Hakozaki-cho Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-8510, Japan