On 10 Jan 2025, at 12:38, Daniel P. Berrangé
<berrange(a)redhat.com> wrote:
CAUTION: External Email
On Fri, Jan 10, 2025 at 12:31:00PM +0000, Felipe Franciosi wrote:
>> On 10 Jan 2025, at 12:23, Daniel P. Berrangé <berrange(a)redhat.com> wrote:
>> On Fri, Jan 10, 2025 at 12:09:44PM +0000, Felipe Franciosi wrote:
>>>> On 10 Jan 2025, at 11:00, Daniel P. Berrangé <berrange(a)redhat.com>
>>>> On Fri, Jan 10, 2025 at 10:49:20AM +0000, Felipe Franciosi wrote:
>>>>>> On 10 Jan 2025, at 08:33, Daniel P. Berrangé
<berrange(a)redhat.com> wrote:
>>>>>> On Thu, Jan 09, 2025 at 07:27:16PM +0000, Felipe Franciosi
>>>>>>> Hello!
>>>>>>> I have a use case which I'm struggling to support with
>>>>>>> saving a VM to a file, cloning it (which renames the VM), and
restoring it.
>>>>>>> My search revealed a number of tutorials for using virt-clone
[1], but that
>>>>>>> doesn't seem to cover VMs which are _saved_ (only running
or paused).
>>>>>> Saved in what way ? Managed save ?
>>>>> Thanks for the prompt reply!
>>>>> I'm saving with virDomainSave(). My understanding is that this is
not managed.
>>>> Functionally it is the same as managed save, just the that file path
>>>> is specified by the client, rather than by libvirt.
>>> Got it, thanks.
>>>>>>> [1]
>>>>>>> In a nutshell, I want to power on a VM and do some setup,
then save its full
>>>>>>> state to disk (e.g., with virsh save). Finally I want to
modify the XML to:
>>>>>>> - rename the VM
>>>>>>> - change which bridge its NICs are on (while maintaining mac
>>>>>>> - change the disk image to a copy (done while the VM is
>>>>>>> But the restore operation fails because of a target domain
name check
>>>>>>> implemented in virDomainDefCheckABIStabilityFlags(). I've
debated how to best
>>>>>>> address this and I'm looking for your views.
>>>>>> If you're cloning a VM, it needs both a new UUID and name, so
I'm surprised
>>>>>> the ABI stability check hasn't already blocked you on the
UUID change before
>>>>>> getting to the name change check.
>>>>> I definitely didn't change the UUID. In fact, I want it to be the
same (at
>>>>> least in the SMBIOS tables) because the guest OS is not going to
expect that
>>>>> value to change without a power cycle/reset. The ABI Check actually
ensures the
>>>>> SMBIOS values do not change during restore.
>>>>> My understanding is that this passed because the other domain was not
>>>>> (and the save was unmanaged, so libvirt is unaware of the saved
>>>>> What I don't understand is why the UUID has to be unique (or, in
fact, the same
>>>>> as the SMBIOS Type 1 UUID). Isn't this something just visible to
the VM? For
>>>>> the clone use case, I surely don't want this to change.
>>>>> In other words, it's not clear to me why this check is needed:
>>>> Libvirt has three unique identifiers for all VMs - UUID, name, and ID.
>>>> latter is only for running VMs.
>>>> UUID is the primary unique identifier that is used for pretty much
>>>> lookup inside libvirt. Name is a secondary unique identifier largely
>>>> for external lookups by humans, since UUIDs are not human friendly.
>>>> Essentially every API call starts with virDomainObjListFindByUUID to
>>>> the public 'virDomainPtr' object into the internal
'virDomainObjPtr' struct
>>>> that holds the config & state.
>>> Ah-ha. Ok, this is really helpful, thanks again!
>>> My next question is why the SMBIOS Type 1 UUID tied to the Libvirt
>>> (I'm pointing again at L#12810 above.)
>>> That feels incorrect. My (new) understanding is that:
>>> - The SMBIOS Type 1 UUID is guest-visible
>>> - The Libvirt UUID is a host identifier
>>> What comes to mind is that maybe something like guest tools wants to be able
>>> report back to a control plane what VM it is on based on this value. If
>>> the motivation, then isn't Generation ID a better field to rely on?
>> Strictly speaking we don't have to tie them together, but in practice we
>> do, because it is pretty compelling to be correlate data between the host
>> OS and guest OS for apps.
> Right, so libvirt uses the XML <UUID> as a host unique identifier and also as
> QEMU's "-uuid" parameter (which, based on my understanding, is a
default for
> any virtual hardware UUID stuff such as SMBIOS Type 1 UUID/Serial. And the
> reason for that is to allow guests to infer their hypervisor identifier.
>>> My understanding is that SMBIOS identifiers cannot change at runtime.
>> Correct.
> Ok, but then I'm confused: how is clone supposed to work? When I clone a saved
> VM, Libvirt requires that I change its <UUID> and it also requires that this
> <UUID> matches SMBIOS Type 1 UUID which, by definition, cannot change.
> What am I missing?
Yep, the idea of cloning a running (well saved) VM on the same
host is effectively denied due to this policy.
We have never claimed that cloning a running VM is supported,
and actively discouraged people from trying to do this.
The only workaround would be if launched on a different host. Failing
that the only option would be for us to remove the requirement that
Perhaps we could do the latter, but mark the VM as "tainted" to indicate
this undesirable config scenario.
That works for me. Let me submit another patch along those lines for review.
Also it sounds like there isn't a strong reason for tying up SMBIOS UUID and VM
UUID except the use case of the guest inferring its hypervisor identifier.
Would it make sense to propose a new device type that can canonically be used
for that purpose? Something like Generation ID, perhaps. I can see if someone
from our side can work on that if you think it's a good idea.