On Mon, May 05, 2014 at 11:14:18AM -0400, Dwight Engen wrote:
When a console is configured, /dev/console and /dev/tty1 are created
symlinks to the same underlying pts. This causes problems since a
separate getty will be spawned for /dev/console and /dev/tty1, but they
are each controlling the same device.
That is simply a bug in the OS setup IMHO.
FYI systemd specified that the 'container_ttys' env variable should
be set to indicate which devices a gettty should be spawned on and
libvirt now sets that. We intentionally exclude tty1 from the
container_ttys env var so we don't get the double-getty with any
systemd enabled OS.
IMHO even non-systemd OS could read that env var to decide where
to spawn getttys
See also this doc:
This patch makes it so that /dev/console is the sole symlink to the
console, /dev/tty1 to the second, /dev/tty2 to the third and so on.
This is a backwards-incompatible change that is likely to break
existing deployments I'm afraid, so we can't do that IMHO.
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http://virt-manager.org :|
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http://search.cpan.org/~danberr/ :|
http://entangle-photo.org -o-
http://live.gnome.org/gtk-vnc :|