On 09/14/2016 05:39 PM, Philipp Heckel wrote:
Thanks for looking at the pulls.
Small update on the continued progress of the Hyper-V integration. We
started developing against master (as opposed to against 1.3.1), and
will try to keep the code updated in this branch:
So you'll need to update to upstream eventually, but realistically since
it's self-contained so it should generally apply. That is I could take
your patches and git am to upstream since no one's changing hyperv sources.
This is still a WIP. Right now we're actively working on a better
definexml and dumpxml for 2008 & 2012 (especially the <devices> section).
My suggestion - rather than massive patch dumps or asking/expecting
someone to look at your github library - try to make smaller incremental
improvements to upstream. It's the 5-8 patches at a time mentality.
There's only so many review cycles to go around...