  • 48 participants
  • 154 discussions
[PATCH 0/5] Introduce 'virDomainQemuMonitorCommandWithFiles'
by Peter Krempa
2 years, 9 months
[PATCH v2 0/3] src: use virDomainJobData
by Kristina Hanicova
2 years, 9 months
[libvirt PATCH 00/11] virnetclient: Cleanups and improvement
by Andrea Bolognani
2 years, 9 months
[PATCH 0/3] ci: regenerate wit new lcitool and replace centos 8
by Peter Krempa
2 years, 9 months
[libvirt PATCH v2 0/6] virnetclient: Cleanups and improvements
by Andrea Bolognani
2 years, 9 months
[PATCH 0/6] qemu: Clean up monitor structs and assume QEMU_CAPS_CHARDEV_FD_PASS_COMMANDLINE in the hotplug test
by Peter Krempa
2 years, 9 months
[PATCH 0/5] qemu: Test case modernization
by Peter Krempa
2 years, 9 months
[PATCH 0/2] tests: Don't destroy locked mutexes
by Michal Privoznik
2 years, 9 months
[PATCH v3 0/7] support mode option for dirtyrate calculation
2 years, 9 months
[PATCH 0/2] qemu: domain: Move and rename qemuDomainStorageIdNew/Reset
by Peter Krempa
2 years, 9 months
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