[libvirt] [PATCHv2 0/6] Utility functions for storing uninstalled location
by Nehal J Wani
When libvirtd is run from a build directory without being installed, it
should not depend on files from a libvirt package installed in the
system. Currently, APIs defined in src/ don't know whether libvirtd
is being run from the build dir or the installed dir. The following
additions provide the functionality to do so:
Example usage (utility = lxc|iohelper):
char *path_tmp = virGetUninstalledDir();
if (path_tmp)
/* do stuff with ("%s/../../src/libvirt_<utility>", path_tmp) */
/* do stuff with (LIBEXECDIR "/libvirt_<utility>") */
Refer: https://www.redhat.com/archives/libvir-list/2014-March/msg01427.html
Nehal J Wani (6):
Add utility functions for storing uninstalled location
Use virGetUninstalledDir() in src/util/virfile.c
Use virGetUninstalledDir() in src/lxc/lxc_conf.c
Use virGetUninstalledDir() in src/storage/storage_backend_disk.c
Use virGetUninstalledDir() in src/fdstream.c
Remove obsolete function virFDStreamSetIOHelper()
10 years, 10 months
[libvirt] Fwd: Start contributing with Libvirt (Finding a mentor or helpful tips)
by Julio Faracco
Hi everybody!
I sent an e-mail to Daniel asking about contributing to the libvirt
community for free.
So, I copied the e-mail to the libvirt mailing list as Daniel suggested me.
If anyone can help me I'd be pleased.
Thanks very much!
*Julio Cesar Faracco*
*University of São Paulo - Brazil*
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Julio Faracco <jcfaracco(a)gmail.com>
Date: 2014-03-29 13:45 GMT-03:00
Subject: Start contributing with Libvirt (Finding a mentor or helpful tips)
To: dan(a)berrange.com
Hi Daniel.
My name is Julio and I sent this e-mail because I would like to contribute
with libvirt. Moreover, I follow the libvirt mailing list for a long time
and have read the ideas page of libvirt, qemu and KVM of Google Summer of
Code program. I thought the ideas very interesting but I didn't have time
to propose my ideais or submit a patch. But I don't know a good way to
start doing that.
I want to contribute with libvirt for free (not like GSoC who pays a
paycheck for it). I think that contributing with a project like libvirt
enhances some of my programming skills. Today I work with Linux
distribution management and not with programing itself. However, I'm
finding some troubles to start. For example:
- Can I fix a random open bug?
- How to understand which bug can be easier to solve?
- How to follow the conversation of the mailing list? Sometimes I feel so
I was looking for a mentor (if you know someone who could help me) or a
person who can help me to follow the right way to start it.
Thanks very much.
*Julio Cesar Faracco*
*University of São Paulo - Brazil*
10 years, 10 months
[libvirt] RFC: Exposing backing chains in <domain> XML
by Eric Blake
I am working on a series of patches to expose backing chain information
in <domain> XML. Comments are welcome, to make sure my XML design is on
the right track.
Among other things, this will help us support Peter's proposal of
enhancing the block-pull and block-commit actions to specify a
destination by relative depth in the backing chain (where "vda[0]"
represents the active image, "vda[1]" represents the backing file of the
active image, and so on).
It will also help debug situations where libvirt and qemu disagree on
what constitutes a backing chain, and therefore causes sVirt labeling
discrepancies or prohibits block-pull/block-commit actions. For
example, given the chain "base <- mid <- top", if top forgot the
backing_fmt attribute, and /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf
allow_disk_format_probing=0 (which it is by default for security
resasons), libvirt treats 'mid' as a raw file and refuses to acknowledge
that 'base' is part of the chain, while qemu would happily treat mid as
qcow2 and therefore use 'base' if permissions allow it to. I have
helped debug this scenario several times on IRC or in bugzilla reports.
This feature is being driven in part by
Existing design
Note that libvirt can already expose backing file details (but only one
layer; it is not recursive) when using virStorageVolGetXMLDesc(); for
# virsh vol-dumpxml --pool gluster img3
<volume type='network'>
<format type='qcow2'/>
<format type='qcow2'/>
In the current volume representation, if a <backingStore> element is
present, it gives the <path> to the backing file. But this
representation is a bit limited: it is rather hard-coded to the
assumption that there is only one backing file, and does not do a good
job when the backing image is not in the same storage pool as the volume
it is describing. Some of the enhancements I'm proposing for <domain>
should also be applied to the information output by <volume> XML, which
means I have to be careful that the design I'm proposing will mesh well
with the storage xml to maximize code reuse.
The volume approach is a bit painful to users trying to track the
backing chain of a disk tied to a <domain> because it necessitates
creating a storage pool and making multiple calls to follow the chain,
so we need to expose the backing chain directly in the <disk> element of
a domain, and recursively show the entire chain. Furthermore, there are
some formats that require multiple resources: for example, both qemu
2.0's new quorum driver and HyperV VHDX images can have multiple backing
files, and where these files can in turn have more backing images.
Thus, any proper representation of disk resources needs to show a full
tree of relationships. Thankfully, circular references in backing files
would form an invalid image (all known virtual disk image formats
require a DAG of relationships).
With existing API, we still have not fully implemented 'virsh
snapshot-delete' of external snapshots. So our current advice is for
people to manually use qemu-img to alter backing chains, then update
libvirt to match. Once libvirt starts tracking backing chains, it
becomes all the more important to provide two new actions in libvirt: we
need a validation mode (check that what is recorded on disk matches what
is recorded in XML and flag an error if they differ) and a correction
mode (ignore what is recorded in XML and regenerate it to match what is
actually on disk).
For each <disk> of a domain, I will be adding a new <backingStore>
element. The element is optional on input, which allows libvirt to
continue to understand input from older versions, but will always be
present on output, to show what libvirt is tracking as the backing chain.
For a file with no backing store (including raw file format), the usage
is simple:
<disk type='file' device='disk'>
<driver name='qemu' type='raw'/>
<source file='/path/to/somewhere'/>
<target dev='vda' bus='virtio'/>
The new explicit <backingStore/> makes it clear that there is no backing
A backing chain of 3 files (base <- mid <- top) in the local file system:
<disk type='file' device='disk'>
<driver name='qemu' type='qcow2'/>
<source file='/var/lib/libvirt/images/top.qcow2'/>
<backingStore type='file'>
<driver name='qemu' type='qcow2'/>
<source file='/var/lib/libvirt/images/mid.qcow2'/>
<backingStore type='file'>
<driver name='qemu' type='qcow2'/>
<source file='/var/lib/libvirt/images/base.qcow2'/>
<target dev='vda' bus='virtio'/>
Note that this is intentionally nested, so that for file formats that
support more than one backing resource, it can list parallel
<backingStore> as siblings to describe those related resources (thus
leaving the door open to expose a qemu quorum as a <disk type='quorum'>
with no direct <source> but instead with three <backingStore> sibling
elements for each member of the quorum, and where each member of the
quorum can further have its own backing chain).
Design wise, the <backingStore> element is either completely empty
(end-of-chain), or has a mandatory type='...' attribute that mirrors the
same type attribute of a <disk>. Then, within the backingStore element,
there is a <source> or other appropriate sub-elements similar to what
<disk> already uses for describing a single host resource. So, for an
example, here would be the output for a 2-element chain on gluster:
<disk type='network' device='disk'>
<driver name='qemu' type='qcow2'/>
<source protocol='gluster' name='vol1/img2'>
<host name='red'/>
<backingStore type='network'>
<driver name='qemu' type='qcow2'/>
<source protocol='gluster' name='vol1/img1'>
<host name='red'/>
<target dev='vdb' bus='virtio'/>
Or again, but this time using volume references to a storage pool
(assuming 'glusterVol1' is the storage pool wrapping gluster://red/vol1):
<disk type='volume' device='disk'>
<driver name='qemu' type='qcow2'/>
<source pool='glusterVol1' volume='img2'/>
<backingStore type='volume'>
<driver name='qemu' type='qcow2'/>
<source pool='glusterVol1' volume='img1'/>
<target dev='vdb' bus='virtio'/>
As can be seen, this design heavily reuses existing <disk type='...'>
handling, which should make it easier to reuse blocks of code both in
libvirt to handle the backing chains, and in clients when processing
backing chains to hand to libvirt up front or in inspecting the dumpxml
results. Management apps like vdsm that use transient domains should
start supplying <backingStore> elements to fully describe chains.
The following APIs will be affected:
defining domain XML (whether via define for persistent domains, or
create for transient domains): parse the new element. If the element is
already present, default to trusting the backing chain in that element
instead of reading from the disk files. If the element is absent, read
the disk files and populate the element. It is probably also worth
adding a flag to trigger validation mode: read the disk files to ensure
they match the xml, and refuse the operation if there is a mismatch (as
for updating xml to match reality, the simplest is to edit the XML and
delete the <backingStore> element then try the define again, so I don't
see the need for a flag for that action).
I may also need to figure out if it is worth tainting a domain any time
where libvirt detects that the XML backing chain vs. the disk file read
backing chain have diverged.
Note that defining domain XML includes loading from saved state or from
incoming migration.
dumping domain XML: always output the new element, by default without
consulting disk files. By tracking the chain in memory ever since the
guest is defined, it should already be available for output. I'm
debating whether we need a flag (similar to virsh dumpxml --update-cpu)
that can force libvirt to re-read the disk files at the time of the dump
and regenerate the chain to match reality of any changes made behind
libvirt's back.
creating external snapshots: the <domainsnapshot> XMl will continue to
be the picture of the domain prior to the creation of the snapshot (but
this picture will now include any <backingStore> elements already
present in the chain), but after the snapshot is taken, the <domain> XML
will also be modified to record the updated chain (the old disk source
is now the <backingStore> of the new disk source).
deleting external snapshots is not yet implemented, but the
implementation will have to shrink the backingStore chain to match reality.
block-pull (block-rebase in pull mode), block-commit: at the completion
of the pull, the <backingStore> needs to be updated to reflect the new
shorter state of the chain
block-copy (block-rebase in copy mode): the operation starts out by
creating a mirror, but during the first phase, the mirror is not usable
as an accurate copy of what the guest sees. Right now we fudge by
saying that block copy can only be done on transient domains; but even
with that, we still track a <mirror> element in the <disk> XML to track
that a block copy is underway (so that the operation survives a libvirtd
restart). The <mirror> element will now need to be taught a
<backingStore>, particularly if the user passes in a pre-existing file
to be reused as the copy destination. Then, when the second phase is
complete and the mirroring is ended, the <disk> will need another update
to select which side of the backing chain is now in force
virsh domblklist: should be taught a new flag to show the backing chain
in a tree format, since the command already exists to extract <disk>
information from a domain into a nicer human format
sVirt security labeling: right now, we are read the disk files to both
label and remove labels on a backing chain - obviously, once the chain
is tracked natively as part of the <disk>, we should be labeling without
having to read disk files
storage volumes - investigate how much of the backing chain code can be
reused in enhancing storage volume xml output
anything else you can think of in the code base that will be impacted?
Eric Blake eblake redhat com +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library http://libvirt.org
10 years, 10 months
[libvirt] [PATCH] cpu: Properly check input parameters
by Jiri Denemark
Most of the APIs in CPU driver do not expect to get NULL for input
parameters. Let's mark them with ATTRIBUTE_NONNULL and also check for
some members of virCPUDef when the APIs expect them have some specific
Signed-off-by: Jiri Denemark <jdenemar(a)redhat.com>
src/cpu/cpu.c | 48 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
src/cpu/cpu.h | 36 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
2 files changed, 61 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/cpu/cpu.c b/src/cpu/cpu.c
index 9cd2300..528e1a7 100644
--- a/src/cpu/cpu.c
+++ b/src/cpu/cpu.c
@@ -108,12 +108,6 @@ cpuCompareXML(virCPUDefPtr host,
if (cpu == NULL)
goto cleanup;
- if (!cpu->model) {
- "%s", _("no CPU model specified"));
- goto cleanup;
- }
ret = cpuCompare(host, cpu);
@@ -146,6 +140,12 @@ cpuCompare(virCPUDefPtr host,
VIR_DEBUG("host=%p, cpu=%p", host, cpu);
+ if (!cpu->model) {
+ virReportError(VIR_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "%s",
+ _("no guest CPU model specified"));
+ }
if ((driver = cpuGetSubDriver(host->arch)) == NULL)
@@ -203,14 +203,15 @@ cpuDecode(virCPUDefPtr cpu,
if (models == NULL && nmodels != 0) {
- "%s", _("nonzero nmodels doesn't match with NULL models"));
+ virReportError(VIR_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "%s",
+ _("nonzero nmodels doesn't match with NULL models"));
return -1;
- if (cpu == NULL) {
- "%s", _("invalid CPU definition"));
+ if (cpu->type > VIR_CPU_TYPE_GUEST ||
+ cpu->mode != VIR_CPU_MODE_CUSTOM) {
+ virReportError(VIR_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "%s",
+ _("invalid CPU definition stub"));
return -1;
@@ -264,6 +265,12 @@ cpuEncode(virArch arch,
virArchToString(arch), cpu, forced, required,
optional, disabled, forbidden, vendor);
+ if (!cpu->model) {
+ virReportError(VIR_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "%s",
+ _("no guest CPU model specified"));
+ return -1;
+ }
if ((driver = cpuGetSubDriver(arch)) == NULL)
return -1;
@@ -367,6 +374,12 @@ cpuGuestData(virCPUDefPtr host,
VIR_DEBUG("host=%p, guest=%p, data=%p, msg=%p", host, guest, data, msg);
+ if (!guest->model) {
+ virReportError(VIR_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "%s",
+ _("no guest CPU model specified"));
+ }
if ((driver = cpuGetSubDriver(host->arch)) == NULL)
@@ -529,6 +542,19 @@ cpuBaseline(virCPUDefPtr *cpus,
return NULL;
+ for (i = 0; i < ncpus; i++) {
+ if (!cpus[i]) {
+ virReportError(VIR_ERR_INVALID_ARG,
+ _("invalid CPU definition at index %zu"), i);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (!cpus[i]->model) {
+ virReportError(VIR_ERR_INVALID_ARG,
+ _("no CPU model specified at index %zu"), i);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
if (models == NULL && nmodels != 0) {
"%s", _("nonzero nmodels doesn't match with NULL models"));
diff --git a/src/cpu/cpu.h b/src/cpu/cpu.h
index 27169fe..e9f2713 100644
--- a/src/cpu/cpu.h
+++ b/src/cpu/cpu.h
@@ -119,18 +119,21 @@ struct cpuArchDriver {
extern virCPUCompareResult
cpuCompareXML(virCPUDefPtr host,
- const char *xml);
+ const char *xml)
extern virCPUCompareResult
cpuCompare (virCPUDefPtr host,
- virCPUDefPtr cpu);
+ virCPUDefPtr cpu)
extern int
cpuDecode (virCPUDefPtr cpu,
const virCPUData *data,
const char **models,
unsigned int nmodels,
- const char *preferred);
+ const char *preferred)
extern int
cpuEncode (virArch arch,
@@ -140,7 +143,8 @@ cpuEncode (virArch arch,
virCPUDataPtr *optional,
virCPUDataPtr *disabled,
virCPUDataPtr *forbidden,
- virCPUDataPtr *vendor);
+ virCPUDataPtr *vendor)
extern void
cpuDataFree (virCPUDataPtr data);
@@ -152,7 +156,8 @@ extern virCPUCompareResult
cpuGuestData(virCPUDefPtr host,
virCPUDefPtr guest,
virCPUDataPtr *data,
- char **msg);
+ char **msg)
extern char *
cpuBaselineXML(const char **xmlCPUs,
@@ -166,30 +171,37 @@ cpuBaseline (virCPUDefPtr *cpus,
unsigned int ncpus,
const char **models,
unsigned int nmodels,
- unsigned int flags);
+ unsigned int flags)
extern int
cpuUpdate (virCPUDefPtr guest,
- const virCPUDef *host);
+ const virCPUDef *host)
extern int
cpuHasFeature(const virCPUData *data,
- const char *feature);
+ const char *feature)
cpuModelIsAllowed(const char *model,
const char **models,
- unsigned int nmodels);
+ unsigned int nmodels)
extern int
-cpuGetModels(const char *arch, char ***models);
+cpuGetModels(const char *arch, char ***models)
/* cpuDataFormat and cpuDataParse are implemented for unit tests only and
* have no real-life usage
-char *cpuDataFormat(const virCPUData *data);
+char *cpuDataFormat(const virCPUData *data)
virCPUDataPtr cpuDataParse(virArch arch,
- const char *xmlStr);
+ const char *xmlStr)
#endif /* __VIR_CPU_H__ */
10 years, 10 months
[libvirt] [PATCH] cpu: Add documentation for CPU driver APIs
by Jiri Denemark
Signed-off-by: Jiri Denemark <jdenemar(a)redhat.com>
src/cpu/cpu.c | 202 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 202 insertions(+)
diff --git a/src/cpu/cpu.c b/src/cpu/cpu.c
index e91f5bb..9cd2300 100644
--- a/src/cpu/cpu.c
+++ b/src/cpu/cpu.c
@@ -77,6 +77,19 @@ cpuGetSubDriver(virArch arch)
+ * cpuCompareXML:
+ *
+ * @host: host CPU definition
+ * @xml: XML description of either guest or host CPU to be compared with @host
+ *
+ * Compares the CPU described by @xml with @host CPU.
+ *
+ * the two CPUs are incompatible, VIR_CPU_COMPARE_IDENTICAL when the two CPUs
+ * are identical, VIR_CPU_COMPARE_SUPERSET when the @xml CPU is a superset of
+ * the @host CPU.
+ */
cpuCompareXML(virCPUDefPtr host,
const char *xml)
@@ -112,6 +125,19 @@ cpuCompareXML(virCPUDefPtr host,
+ * cpuCompare:
+ *
+ * @host: host CPU definition
+ * @cpu: either guest or host CPU to be compared with @host
+ *
+ * Compares the CPU described by @cpu with @host CPU.
+ *
+ * the two CPUs are incompatible, VIR_CPU_COMPARE_IDENTICAL when the two CPUs
+ * are identical, VIR_CPU_COMPARE_SUPERSET when the @cpu CPU is a superset of
+ * the @host CPU.
+ */
cpuCompare(virCPUDefPtr host,
virCPUDefPtr cpu)
@@ -134,6 +160,31 @@ cpuCompare(virCPUDefPtr host,
+ * cpuDecode:
+ *
+ * @cpu: CPU definition stub to be filled in
+ * @data: internal CPU data to be decoded into @cpu definition
+ * @models: list of CPU models that can be considered when decoding @data
+ * @nmodels: number of CPU models in @models
+ * @preferred: CPU models that should be used if possible
+ *
+ * Decodes internal CPU data into a CPU definition consisting of a CPU model
+ * and a list of CPU features. The @cpu model stub is supposed to have arch,
+ * type, match and fallback members set, this function will add the rest. If
+ * @models list is NULL, all models supported by libvirt will be considered
+ * when decoding the data. In general, this function will select the model
+ * closest to the CPU specified by @data unless @preferred is non-NULL, in
+ * which case the @preferred model will be used as long as it is compatible
+ * with @data.
+ *
+ * For VIR_ARCH_I686 and VIR_ARCH_X86_64 architectures this means the computed
+ * CPU definition will have the shortest possible list of additional features.
+ * When @preferred is non-NULL, the @preferred model will be used even if
+ * other models would result in a shorter list of additional features.
+ *
+ * Returns 0 on success, -1 on error.
+ */
cpuDecode(virCPUDefPtr cpu,
const virCPUData *data,
@@ -177,6 +228,25 @@ cpuDecode(virCPUDefPtr cpu,
+ * cpuEncode:
+ *
+ * @arch: CPU architecture
+ * @cpu: CPU definition to be encoded into internal CPU driver representation
+ * @forced: where to store CPU data corresponding to forced features
+ * @required: where to store CPU data corresponding to required features
+ * @optional: where to store CPU data corresponding to optional features
+ * @disabled: where to store CPU data corresponding to disabled features
+ * @forbidden: where to store CPU data corresponding to forbidden features
+ * @vendor: where to store CPU data corresponding to CPU vendor
+ *
+ * Encode CPU definition from @cpu into internal CPU driver representation.
+ * Any of @forced, @required, @optional, @disabled, @forbidden and @vendor
+ * arguments can be NULL in case the caller is not interested in the
+ * corresponding data.
+ *
+ * Returns 0 on success, -1 on error.
+ */
cpuEncode(virArch arch,
const virCPUDef *cpu,
@@ -209,6 +279,15 @@ cpuEncode(virArch arch,
+ * cpuDataFree:
+ *
+ * @data: CPU data structure to be freed
+ *
+ * Free internal CPU data.
+ *
+ * Returns nothing.
+ */
cpuDataFree(virCPUDataPtr data)
@@ -233,6 +312,13 @@ cpuDataFree(virCPUDataPtr data)
+ * cpuNodeData:
+ *
+ * @arch: CPU architecture
+ *
+ * Returns CPU data for host CPU or NULL on error.
+ */
cpuNodeData(virArch arch)
@@ -254,6 +340,23 @@ cpuNodeData(virArch arch)
+ * cpuGuestData:
+ *
+ * @host: host CPU definition
+ * @guest: guest CPU definition
+ * @data: computed guest CPU data
+ * @msg: error message describing why the @guest and @host CPUs are considered
+ * incompatible
+ *
+ * Computes guest CPU data for the @guest CPU definition when run on the @host
+ * CPU.
+ *
+ * the two CPUs are incompatible (@msg will describe the incompatibility),
+ * VIR_CPU_COMPARE_IDENTICAL when the two CPUs are identical,
+ * VIR_CPU_COMPARE_SUPERSET when the @guest CPU is a superset of the @host CPU.
+ */
cpuGuestData(virCPUDefPtr host,
virCPUDefPtr guest,
@@ -278,6 +381,27 @@ cpuGuestData(virCPUDefPtr host,
+ * cpuBaselineXML:
+ *
+ * @xmlCPUs: list of host CPU XML descriptions
+ * @ncpus: number of CPUs in @xmlCPUs
+ * @models: list of CPU models that can be considered for the baseline CPU
+ * @nmodels: number of CPU models in @models
+ * @flags: bitwise-OR of virConnectBaselineCPUFlags
+ *
+ * Computes the most feature-rich CPU which is compatible with all given
+ * host CPUs. If @models array is NULL, all models supported by libvirt will
+ * be considered when computing the baseline CPU model, otherwise the baseline
+ * CPU model will be one of the provided CPU @models.
+ *
+ * If @flags includes VIR_CONNECT_BASELINE_CPU_EXPAND_FEATURES then libvirt
+ * will explicitly list all CPU features that are part of the host CPU,
+ * without this flag features that are part of the CPU model will not be
+ * listed.
+ *
+ * Returns XML description of the baseline CPU or NULL on error.
+ */
char *
cpuBaselineXML(const char **xmlCPUs,
unsigned int ncpus,
@@ -353,6 +477,27 @@ cpuBaselineXML(const char **xmlCPUs,
+ * cpuBaseline:
+ *
+ * @cpus: list of host CPU definitions
+ * @ncpus: number of CPUs in @cpus
+ * @models: list of CPU models that can be considered for the baseline CPU
+ * @nmodels: number of CPU models in @models
+ * @flags: bitwise-OR of virConnectBaselineCPUFlags
+ *
+ * Computes the most feature-rich CPU which is compatible with all given
+ * host CPUs. If @models array is NULL, all models supported by libvirt will
+ * be considered when computing the baseline CPU model, otherwise the baseline
+ * CPU model will be one of the provided CPU @models.
+ *
+ * If @flags includes VIR_CONNECT_BASELINE_CPU_EXPAND_FEATURES then libvirt
+ * will explicitly list all CPU features that are part of the host CPU,
+ * without this flag features that are part of the CPU model will not be
+ * listed.
+ *
+ * Returns baseline CPU definition or NULL on error.
+ */
cpuBaseline(virCPUDefPtr *cpus,
unsigned int ncpus,
@@ -404,6 +549,20 @@ cpuBaseline(virCPUDefPtr *cpus,
+ * cpuUpdate:
+ *
+ * @guest: guest CPU definition
+ * @host: host CPU definition
+ *
+ * Updates @guest CPU definition according to @host CPU. This is required to
+ * support guest CPU definition which are relative to host CPU, such as CPUs
+ * with VIR_CPU_MODE_CUSTOM and optional features or VIR_CPU_MATCH_MINIMUM, or
+ * CPUs with non-custom mode (VIR_CPU_MODE_HOST_MODEL,
+ *
+ * Returns 0 on success, -1 on error.
+ */
cpuUpdate(virCPUDefPtr guest,
const virCPUDef *host)
@@ -425,6 +584,18 @@ cpuUpdate(virCPUDefPtr guest,
return driver->update(guest, host);
+ * cpuHasFeature:
+ *
+ * @data: internal CPU representation
+ * @feature: feature to be checked for
+ *
+ * Checks whether @feature is supported by the CPU described by @data.
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if the feature is supported, 0 if it's not supported, or
+ * -1 on error.
+ */
cpuHasFeature(const virCPUData *data,
const char *feature)
@@ -446,6 +617,16 @@ cpuHasFeature(const virCPUData *data,
return driver->hasFeature(data, feature);
+ * cpuDataFormat:
+ *
+ * @data: internal CPU representation
+ *
+ * Formats @data into XML for test purposes.
+ *
+ * Returns string representation of the XML describing @data or NULL on error.
+ */
char *
cpuDataFormat(const virCPUData *data)
@@ -466,6 +647,17 @@ cpuDataFormat(const virCPUData *data)
return driver->dataFormat(data);
+ * cpuDataParse:
+ *
+ * @arch: CPU architecture
+ * @xmlStr: XML string produced by cpuDataFormat
+ *
+ * Parses XML representation of virCPUData structure for test purposes.
+ *
+ * Returns internal CPU data structure parsed from the XML or NULL on error.
+ */
cpuDataParse(virArch arch,
const char *xmlStr)
@@ -541,6 +733,16 @@ cpuGetArchModels(const char *arch, struct cpuGetModelsData *data)
+ * cpuGetModels:
+ *
+ * @archName: CPU architecture string
+ * @models: where to store the list of supported models
+ *
+ * Fetches all CPU models supported by libvirt on @archName.
+ *
+ * Returns number of supported CPU models or -1 on error.
+ */
cpuGetModels(const char *archName, char ***models)
10 years, 10 months
[libvirt] [PATCH 00/13] Add multiple trace backend function and add new ftrace backend for libvirt
by yangzy.fnst@cn.fujitsu.com
From: Xinghai Yu <yuxinghai(a)cn.fujitsu.com>
This patch set will let libvirt to support multiple trace backend function
and add a new 'ftrace' backend at the same time.
Then, libvirt would have 2 trace backend: dtrace, ftrace.They can be used
alone or together.
Patchs 1,2,3,4,5 are used for supporting multiple trace backend function.
Patch 6 are used for adding ftrace as a new trace backend for libvirt.
Patchs 7,8,9,10,11,12,13 add ftrace initial code in programs who use it.
Thanks very much for Stefan Hajnoczi for I have used his scripts in patch
4 which commited in qemu.
Thanks very much for Eiichi Tsukata for I have used his ftrace codes in
patch 6 which commited in qemu.
The existing trace mechanism in libvirt is dtrace. Although the dtrace
can work, it's not work well enough. Every time we want get information
from the trace point we must write a systemtap script and run it
together with libvirt.
That's really unpractical on some occasion, especially on production
server since the systemtap script can't be executed automatically.
And some problems may be not easy to reproduce, then it will cost a
lot of time to get the trace information again.
So I think it is essential to add supporting for record the trace
information automatically in libvirt to satisfy the user's requirement.
That's why I implemented multiple trace backend function and ftrace
support in libvirt.
Xinghai Yu (13):
configure.ac: Define new macro 'WITH_TRACE_PROBES' to indicate trace
function are available
Makefile.am: Add new multiple trace backend supporting framework
src: Use new tracepoint declaration files to replace the old dtrace
declaration files to support multiple trace function
src: Add scripts 'tracetool' to supporting the translation from
tracepoint files to multiple trace backend supporting files
daemon,src: Use new tracepoint function calls to replace old PROBE
macro calls to support multiple trace function
configure.ac, Makefile.am, src: Add new ftrace backend
src/libvirt.c: Init ftrace backend in libvirt library so that programs
containing it can use ftrace
src/qemu/qemu_driver.c: Init ftrace backend in qemu driver so that
qemu driver can support ftrace
src/locking/lock_daemon.c: Init ftrace backend in program 'virtlockd'
src/util/iohelper.c: Init ftrace backend in program 'libvirt_iohelper'
src/storage/parthelper.c: Init ftrace backend in program
src/lxc/lxc_controller.c: Init ftrace backend in program 'libvirt_lxc'
src/security/virt-aa-helper.c: Init ftrace backend in program
config-post.h | 2 +-
configure.ac | 24 ++++
daemon/Makefile.am | 13 +-
daemon/remote.c | 77 +++++------
src/Makefile.am | 179 +++++++++++++++++++------
src/ftrace.c | 91 +++++++++++++
src/ftrace.h | 14 ++
src/internal.h | 69 +----------
src/libvirt.c | 9 ++
src/libvirt_probes.d | 82 ------------
src/libvirt_qemu_probes.d | 22 ----
src/libvirt_qemu_trace_events | 15 +++
src/libvirt_trace_events | 70 ++++++++++
src/locking/lock_daemon.c | 9 ++
src/lxc/lxc_controller.c | 9 ++
src/qemu/qemu_driver.c | 10 ++
src/qemu/qemu_monitor.c | 42 +++---
src/qemu/qemu_monitor_json.c | 12 +-
src/qemu/qemu_monitor_text.c | 8 +-
src/rpc/virkeepalive.c | 42 +++---
src/rpc/virnetclient.c | 43 +++---
src/rpc/virnetserverclient.c | 31 ++---
src/rpc/virnetsocket.c | 22 ++--
src/rpc/virnettlscontext.c | 42 +++---
src/security/virt-aa-helper.c | 9 ++
src/storage/parthelper.c | 9 ++
src/tracetool.py | 103 +++++++++++++++
src/tracetool/__init__.py | 268 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
src/tracetool/backend/__init__.py | 120 +++++++++++++++++
src/tracetool/backend/trace.py | 112 ++++++++++++++++
src/tracetool/format/__init__.py | 103 +++++++++++++++
src/tracetool/format/c.py | 22 ++++
src/tracetool/format/d.py | 20 +++
src/tracetool/format/h.py | 22 ++++
src/util/iohelper.c | 9 ++
src/util/vireventpoll.c | 66 +++++-----
src/util/virobject.c | 16 ++-
tests/Makefile.am | 13 +-
tools/virsh.c | 3 +
39 files changed, 1429 insertions(+), 401 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 src/ftrace.c
create mode 100644 src/ftrace.h
delete mode 100644 src/libvirt_probes.d
delete mode 100644 src/libvirt_qemu_probes.d
create mode 100644 src/libvirt_qemu_trace_events
create mode 100644 src/libvirt_trace_events
create mode 100644 src/tracetool.py
create mode 100644 src/tracetool/__init__.py
create mode 100644 src/tracetool/backend/__init__.py
create mode 100644 src/tracetool/backend/trace.py
create mode 100644 src/tracetool/format/__init__.py
create mode 100644 src/tracetool/format/c.py
create mode 100644 src/tracetool/format/d.py
create mode 100644 src/tracetool/format/h.py
10 years, 10 months
[libvirt] [PATCH v1 0/2] Keep original file label
by Michal Privoznik
This creates a new file to store the original file labels.
Or do we want the whole functionality to reside in virtlockd?
Michal Privoznik (2):
security_dac: Keep original file label
security_dac: Lock label store file
src/Makefile.am | 3 +-
src/locking/lock_driver.h | 2 +
src/locking/lock_driver_lockd.c | 25 +++
src/lxc/lxc_controller.c | 2 +-
src/lxc/lxc_driver.c | 3 +-
src/qemu/qemu_driver.c | 9 +-
src/security/security_dac.c | 412 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
src/security/security_manager.c | 24 ++-
src/security/security_manager.h | 7 +-
tests/qemuhotplugtest.c | 2 +-
tests/seclabeltest.c | 2 +-
tests/securityselinuxlabeltest.c | 3 +-
tests/securityselinuxtest.c | 2 +-
13 files changed, 438 insertions(+), 58 deletions(-)
10 years, 10 months
[libvirt] [PATCH 0/3] bhyve: capabilities and CPU-capabilities support
by Wojciech Macek
Add following changes:
- support for connectBaselineCPU (required by OpenStack)
- move capabilites functions to separate file + API change
- implement connectCompareCPU
Wojciech Macek (3):
bhyve: support for connectBaselineCPU
bhyve: create capabilities submodule
bhyve: connectCompareCPU support
src/Makefile.am | 2 +
src/bhyve/bhyve_capabilities.c | 105 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
src/bhyve/bhyve_capabilities.h | 30 ++++++++++++
src/bhyve/bhyve_driver.c | 107 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
4 files changed, 222 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 src/bhyve/bhyve_capabilities.c
create mode 100644 src/bhyve/bhyve_capabilities.h
10 years, 10 months
[libvirt] [PATCH v3 0/2] bhyve: add console support through nmdm device
by Roman Bogorodskiy
Changes from v2:
- Add unittest
- Minor: new labels style and target for 1.2.4
Changes from v1:
Switch over from implicit slave device path, i.e. guessing
from <source path='/dev/nmdm0A'/> that the slave is '/dev/nmdm0B', to
explicit master and slave device specification using
<source master='/dev/nmdm0A' slave='/dev/nmdm0B'/>.
Roman Bogorodskiy (2):
bhyve: add console support through nmdm device
bhyve: add xml2argv tests for console
src/bhyve/bhyve_command.c | 34 +++++++++++++
src/bhyve/bhyve_driver.c | 45 +++++++++++++++++
src/conf/domain_audit.c | 1 +
src/conf/domain_conf.c | 59 +++++++++++++++++++++-
src/conf/domain_conf.h | 5 ++
src/qemu/qemu_command.c | 1 +
src/qemu/qemu_monitor_json.c | 1 +
tests/bhyvexml2argvdata/bhyvexml2argv-console.args | 4 ++
tests/bhyvexml2argvdata/bhyvexml2argv-console.xml | 23 +++++++++
tests/bhyvexml2argvdata/bhyvexml2argv-serial.args | 4 ++
tests/bhyvexml2argvdata/bhyvexml2argv-serial.xml | 23 +++++++++
tests/bhyvexml2argvtest.c | 2 +
12 files changed, 201 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
create mode 100644 tests/bhyvexml2argvdata/bhyvexml2argv-console.args
create mode 100644 tests/bhyvexml2argvdata/bhyvexml2argv-console.xml
create mode 100644 tests/bhyvexml2argvdata/bhyvexml2argv-serial.args
create mode 100644 tests/bhyvexml2argvdata/bhyvexml2argv-serial.xml
10 years, 10 months