[libvirt] [PATCH] Fix python error reporting for some storage operations
by Cole Robinson
In the python bindings, all vir* classes expect to be
passed a virConnect object when instantiated. Before
the storage stuff, these classes were only instantiated
in virConnect methods, so the generator is hardcoded to
pass 'self' as the connection instance to these classes.
Problem is there are some methods that return pool or vol
instances which aren't called from virConnect: you can
lookup a storage volume's associated pool, and can lookup
volumes from a pool. In these cases passing 'self' doesn't
give the vir* instance a connection, so when it comes time
to raise an exception crap hits the fan.
Rather than rework the generator to accomodate this edge
case, I just fixed the init functions for virStorage* to
pull the associated connection out of the passed value
if it's not a virConnect instance.
diff --git a/python/generator.py b/python/generator.py
index 01a17da..c706b19 100755
--- a/python/generator.py
+++ b/python/generator.py
@@ -962,8 +962,12 @@ def buildWrappers():
list = reference_keepers[classname]
for ref in list:
classes.write(" self.%s = None\n" % ref[1])
- if classname in [ "virDomain", "virNetwork", "virStoragePool", "virStorageVol" ]:
+ if classname in [ "virDomain", "virNetwork" ]:
classes.write(" self._conn = conn\n")
+ elif classname in [ "virStorageVol", "virStoragePool" ]:
+ classes.write(" self._conn = conn\n" + \
+ " if not isinstance(conn, virConnect):\n" + \
+ " self._conn = conn._conn\n")
classes.write(" if _obj != None:self._o = _obj;return\n")
classes.write(" self._o = None\n\n");
2 weeks, 6 days
[libvirt] Supporting vhost-net and macvtap in libvirt for QEMU
by Anthony Liguori
Disclaimer: I am neither an SR-IOV nor a vhost-net expert, but I've CC'd
people that are who can throw tomatoes at me for getting bits wrong :-)
I wanted to start a discussion about supporting vhost-net in libvirt.
vhost-net has not yet been merged into qemu but I expect it will be soon
so it's a good time to start this discussion.
There are two modes worth supporting for vhost-net in libvirt. The
first mode is where vhost-net backs to a tun/tap device. This is
behaves in very much the same way that -net tap behaves in qemu today.
Basically, the difference is that the virtio backend is in the kernel
instead of in qemu so there should be some performance improvement.
Current, libvirt invokes qemu with -net tap,fd=X where X is an already
open fd to a tun/tap device. I suspect that after we merge vhost-net,
libvirt could support vhost-net in this mode by just doing -net
vhost,fd=X. I think the only real question for libvirt is whether to
provide a user visible switch to use vhost or to just always use vhost
when it's available and it makes sense. Personally, I think the later
makes sense.
The more interesting invocation of vhost-net though is one where the
vhost-net device backs directly to a physical network card. In this
mode, vhost should get considerably better performance than the current
implementation. I don't know the syntax yet, but I think it's
reasonable to assume that it will look something like -net
tap,dev=eth0. The effect will be that eth0 is dedicated to the guest.
On most modern systems, there is a small number of network devices so
this model is not all that useful except when dealing with SR-IOV
adapters. In that case, each physical device can be exposed as many
virtual devices (VFs). There are a few restrictions here though. The
biggest is that currently, you can only change the number of VFs by
reloading a kernel module so it's really a parameter that must be set at
startup time.
I think there are a few ways libvirt could support vhost-net in this
second mode. The simplest would be to introduce a new tag similar to
<source network='br0'>. In fact, if you probed the device type for the
network parameter, you could probably do something like <source
network='eth0'> and have it Just Work.
Another model would be to have libvirt see an SR-IOV adapter as a
network pool whereas it handled all of the VF management. Considering
how inflexible SR-IOV is today, I'm not sure whether this is the best model.
Has anyone put any more thought into this problem or how this should be
modeled in libvirt? Michael, could you share your current thinking for
-net syntax?
Anthony Liguori
1 year, 5 months
[libvirt] New application
by Maciej Nabożny
I'm developer of CC1 project in Institute of Nuclear Physics in
Cracow. We are creating cloud computing system based on Libvirt. Is it
possible to add link to our project at yours website in applications
Title: CC1 Project (http://cc1.ifj.edu.pl)
Description: The Cloud Computing for Science and Economy project
At this time we are using version 0.8.3, but as soon as debian 7 will
we stable, we are going to migrate to newer version of Libvirt.
Maciej Nabożny
11 years, 10 months
[libvirt] [PATCH 0/4] Multiple problems with saving to block devices
by Daniel P. Berrange
This patch series makes it possible to save to a block device,
instead of a plain file. There were multiple problems
- WHen save failed, we might de-reference a NULL pointer
- When save failed, we unlinked the device node !!
- The approach of using >> to append, doesn't work with block devices
- CGroups was blocking QEMU access to the block device when enabled
One remaining problem is not in libvirt, but rather QEMU. The QEMU
exec: based migration often fails to detect failure of the command
and will thus hang forever attempting a migration that'll never
succeed! Fortunately you can now work around this in libvirt using
the virsh domjobabort command
12 years
[libvirt] [PATCHv4 00/51] another round of snapshot patches
by Eric Blake
I think I've addressed most findings from round 3 - by implementing
the ability to redefine a snapshot, it becomes possible to restore
snapshot hierarchy when recreating a transient domain by the same
name. New goodies in this round: several bug fixes, add virsh
snapshot-edit, drop undefine --snapshots-full (you can only remove
snapshot metadata on undefine). I tested as I went, but this went
through so many rebases that there may be some nasties that snuck
in; but I wanted to get this posted now. I also know that I'm
missing at least one major feature requested in the v3 review:
namely, transient domains _should_ auto-remove snapshot metadata
files when they halt, but right now aren't doing that.
v3 was at:
Also available here:
git fetch git://repo.or.cz/libvirt/ericb.git snapshot
or browse online at:
I'm also trying to group things by several bugzilla related to
various patches (looks like I still need to create a few):
Eric Blake (51):
snapshot: fix corner case on OOM during creation
snapshot: better events when starting paused
snapshot: fine-tune ability to start paused
snapshot: expose --running and --paused in virsh
snapshot: fine-tune qemu saved images starting paused
snapshot: improve reverting to qemu paused snapshots
snapshot: properly revert qemu to offline snapshots
snapshot: fine-tune qemu snapshot revert states
no bug filed yet... should be one about no stale metadata
snapshot: allow deletion of just snapshot metadata
snapshot: add snapshot-list --parent to virsh
snapshot: speed up snapshot location
snapshot: avoid crash when deleting qemu snapshots
snapshot: track current domain across deletion of children
snapshot: simplify acting on just children
no bug filed yet... should be one about no stale metadata
snapshot: let qemu discard only snapshot metadata
snapshot: identify which snapshots have metadata
snapshot: reflect new dumpxml and list options in virsh
snapshot: identify qemu snapshot roots
snapshot: allow recreation of metadata
snapshot: refactor virsh snapshot creation
snapshot: improve virsh snapshot-create, add snapshot-edit
snapshot: add qemu snapshot creation without metadata
no bug filed yet... should be one about snapshot migration
snapshot: add qemu snapshot redefine support
snapshot: prevent stranding snapshot data on domain destruction
snapshot: teach virsh about new undefine flags
snapshot: refactor some qemu code
snapshot: cache qemu-img location
snapshot: support new undefine flags in qemu
snapshot: prevent migration from stranding snapshot data
snapshot: refactor domain xml output
snapshot: allow full domain xml in snapshot
snapshot: correctly escape generated xml
snapshot: update rng to support full domain in xml
snapshot: store qemu domain details in xml
snapshot: additions to domain xml for disks
snapshot: reject transient disks where code is not ready
snapshot: introduce new deletion flag
snapshot: expose new delete flag in virsh
snapshot: allow halting after snapshot
snapshot: expose halt-after-creation in virsh
snapshot: wire up new qemu monitor command
snapshot: support extra state in snapshots
snapshot: add <disks> to snapshot xml
snapshot: also support disks by path
snapshot: add virsh domblklist command
snapshot: add flag for requesting disk snapshot
snapshot: wire up disk-only flag to snapshot-create
snapshot: reject unimplemented disk snapshot features
snapshot: make it possible to audit external snapshot
snapshot: wire up live qemu disk snapshots
snapshot: use SELinux and lock manager with external snapshots
docs/formatdomain.html.in | 40 +-
docs/formatsnapshot.html.in | 269 ++-
docs/schemas/Makefile.am | 1 +
docs/schemas/domain.rng | 2555 +-------------------
docs/schemas/{domain.rng => domaincommon.rng} | 32 +-
docs/schemas/domainsnapshot.rng | 84 +-
examples/domain-events/events-c/event-test.c | 37 +-
include/libvirt/libvirt.h.in | 66 +-
src/conf/domain_audit.c | 12 +-
src/conf/domain_audit.h | 4 +-
src/conf/domain_conf.c | 902 ++++++--
src/conf/domain_conf.h | 76 +-
src/esx/esx_driver.c | 38 +-
src/libvirt.c | 256 ++-
src/libvirt_private.syms | 8 +
src/libxl/libxl_conf.c | 5 +
src/libxl/libxl_driver.c | 11 +-
src/qemu/qemu_command.c | 5 +
src/qemu/qemu_conf.h | 1 +
src/qemu/qemu_driver.c | 1532 +++++++++---
src/qemu/qemu_hotplug.c | 18 +-
src/qemu/qemu_migration.c | 48 +-
src/qemu/qemu_migration.h | 2 -
src/qemu/qemu_monitor.c | 24 +
src/qemu/qemu_monitor.h | 4 +
src/qemu/qemu_monitor_json.c | 33 +
src/qemu/qemu_monitor_json.h | 4 +
src/qemu/qemu_monitor_text.c | 40 +
src/qemu/qemu_monitor_text.h | 4 +
src/qemu/qemu_process.c | 11 +-
src/uml/uml_driver.c | 56 +-
src/vbox/vbox_tmpl.c | 43 +-
src/xen/xend_internal.c | 12 +-
src/xenxs/xen_sxpr.c | 5 +
src/xenxs/xen_xm.c | 5 +
tests/domainsnapshotxml2xmlin/disk_snapshot.xml | 16 +
tests/domainsnapshotxml2xmlout/disk_snapshot.xml | 77 +
tests/domainsnapshotxml2xmlout/full_domain.xml | 35 +
.../qemuxml2argv-disk-snapshot.args | 7 +
.../qemuxml2argv-disk-snapshot.xml | 39 +
.../qemuxml2argv-disk-transient.xml | 27 +
tests/qemuxml2argvtest.c | 2 +
tests/virsh-optparse | 20 +
tools/virsh.c | 772 +++++-
tools/virsh.pod | 214 ++-
45 files changed, 3978 insertions(+), 3474 deletions(-)
copy docs/schemas/{domain.rng => domaincommon.rng} (98%)
create mode 100644 tests/domainsnapshotxml2xmlin/disk_snapshot.xml
create mode 100644 tests/domainsnapshotxml2xmlout/disk_snapshot.xml
create mode 100644 tests/domainsnapshotxml2xmlout/full_domain.xml
create mode 100644 tests/qemuxml2argvdata/qemuxml2argv-disk-snapshot.args
create mode 100644 tests/qemuxml2argvdata/qemuxml2argv-disk-snapshot.xml
create mode 100644 tests/qemuxml2argvdata/qemuxml2argv-disk-transient.xml
12 years, 4 months
[libvirt] [PATCH] ARMHF: Fixed Parser for /proc/cpuinfo needs to be adapted for your architecture
by Chuck Short
Minimal CPU "parser" for armhf to avoid compile time warning.
Signed-off-by: Chuck Short <chuck.short(a)canonical.com>
src/nodeinfo.c | 21 +++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 21 insertions(+)
diff --git a/src/nodeinfo.c b/src/nodeinfo.c
index 84a5d66..358fa3b 100644
--- a/src/nodeinfo.c
+++ b/src/nodeinfo.c
@@ -397,6 +397,27 @@ int linuxNodeInfoCPUPopulate(FILE *cpuinfo,
* and parsed in next iteration, because it is not in expected
* format and thus lead to error. */
+# elif defined(__arm__)
+ char *buf = line;
+ if (STRPREFIX(buf, "BogoMIPS")) {
+ char *p;
+ unsigned int ui;
+ buf += 8;
+ while (*buf && c_isspace(*buf))
+ buf++;
+ if (*buf != ':' || !buf[1]) {
+ "%s", _("parsing cpu MHz from cpuinfo"));
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ if (virStrToLong_ui(buf+1, &p, 10, &ui) == 0
+ /* Accept trailing fractional part. */
+ && (*p == '\0' || *p == '.' || c_isspace(*p)))
+ nodeinfo->mhz = ui;
+ }
# elif defined(__s390__) || \
/* s390x has no realistic value for CPU speed,
12 years, 6 months
[libvirt] [PATCH] Fix dnsmasq/radvd on bridges not being able to be bound to IPv6 address on "recent" kernels
by Benjamin Cama
I hit this problem recently when trying to create a bridge with an IPv6
address on a 3.2 kernel: dnsmasq (and, further, radvd) would not bind to
the given address (resp. interface), waiting 20s and then giving up with
-EADDRNOTAVAIL (resp. exiting immediately with "error parsing or
activating the config file", without libvirt noticing it, BTW). This can
be reproduced with (I think) any kernel >= 2.6.39 and the following XML
(to be used with "virsh net-create"):
<bridge name='testbr0' />
<ip family='ipv6' address='fd00::1' prefix='64'>
(it happens even when you have an IPv4, too)
The problem is that since commit [1] (which, ironically, was made to
“help IPv6 autoconfiguration”) the linux bridge code makes bridges
behave like “real” devices regarding carrier detection. This makes the
bridges created by libvirt, which are started without any up devices,
stay with the NO-CARRIER flag set, and thus prevents DAD (Duplicate
address detection) from happening, thus letting the IPv6 address flagged
as “tentative”. Such addresses cannot be bound to (see RFC 2462), so
dnsmasq fails binding to it (for radvd, it detects that "interface XXX
is not RUNNING", thus that "interface XXX does not exist, ignoring the
interface" (sic)). It seems that this behavior was enhanced somehow with
commit [2] by avoiding setting NO-CARRIER on empty bridges, but I
couldn't reproduce this behavior on my kernel. Anyway, with the “dummy
tap to set MAC address” trick, this wouldn't work.
To fix this, the idea is to get the bridge's attached device to be up so
that DAD can happen (deactivating DAD altogether is not a good idea, I
think). Currently, libvirt creates a dummy TAP device to set the MAC
address of the bridge, keeping it down. But even if we set this device
up, it is not RUNNING as soon as the tap file descriptor attached to it
is closed, thus still preventing DAD. So, we must modify the API a bit,
so that we can get the fd, keep the tap device persistent, run the
daemons, and close it after DAD has taken place. After that, the bridge
will be flagged NO-CARRIER again, but the daemons will be running, even
if not happy about the device's state (but we don't really care about
the bridge's daemons doing anything when no up interface is connected to
Other solutions that I envisioned were:
* Keeping the *-nic interface up: this would waste an fd for each
bridge during all its life. May be acceptable, I don't really
* Stop using the dummy tap trick, and set the MAC address directly
on the bridge: it is possible since quite some time it seems,
even if then there is the problem of the bridge not being
RUNNING when empty, contrary to what [2] says, so this will need
fixing (and this fix only happened in 3.1, so it wouldn't work
for 2.6.39)
* Using the --interface option of dnsmasq, but I saw somewhere
that it's not used by libvirt for backward compatibility. I am
not sure this would solve this problem, though, as I don't know
how dnsmasq binds itself to it with this option.
This is why this patch does what's described earlier. I see radvd
yelling quite often in the logs when the interface is NO-CARRIER, but
it's ok, it keeps running.
Still, this patch is not exactly correct, as radvd get daemonized “too
soon” most of the time (i.e. when not debugging libvirtd…) and probes
the bridge once it has been set down (even if started before setting it
down), thus failing as before (and libvirt lets it be like that: this
would need some more checking, maybe). One /may/ introduce some delay
between networkStartRadvd() and setting the dummy tap down to solve it,
but it seemed too hackish to me. But I couldn't come with a better
solution. I would welcome suggestions here.
BTW, I removed the “up” argument from virNetDevTapCreateInBridgePort()
and virNetDevTapCreate() as all TAP devices are created up now, and I
fixed a function name in the docstring.
src/network/bridge_driver.c | 15 ++++++++++++++-
src/qemu/qemu_command.c | 2 +-
src/uml/uml_conf.c | 2 +-
src/util/virnetdevtap.c | 29 +++++++++++++++++------------
src/util/virnetdevtap.h | 7 ++++---
5 files changed, 37 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/network/bridge_driver.c b/src/network/bridge_driver.c
index 63338a2..a13efe6 100644
--- a/src/network/bridge_driver.c
+++ b/src/network/bridge_driver.c
@@ -62,6 +62,7 @@
#include "virnetdev.h"
#include "virnetdevbridge.h"
#include "virnetdevtap.h"
+#include "virfile.h"
#define NETWORK_PID_DIR LOCALSTATEDIR "/run/libvirt/network"
#define NETWORK_STATE_DIR LOCALSTATEDIR "/lib/libvirt/network"
@@ -1693,6 +1694,7 @@ networkStartNetworkVirtual(struct network_driver *driver,
virErrorPtr save_err = NULL;
virNetworkIpDefPtr ipdef;
char *macTapIfName = NULL;
+ int tapfd = -1;
/* Check to see if any network IP collides with an existing route */
if (networkCheckRouteCollision(network) < 0)
@@ -1714,8 +1716,9 @@ networkStartNetworkVirtual(struct network_driver *driver,
goto err0;
+ /* Keep tun fd open and interface up to allow for IPv6 DAD to happen */
if (virNetDevTapCreateInBridgePort(network->def->bridge,
- &macTapIfName, network->def->mac, 0, false, NULL) < 0) {
+ &macTapIfName, network->def->mac, 0, &tapfd, true) < 0) {
goto err0;
@@ -1775,6 +1778,16 @@ networkStartNetworkVirtual(struct network_driver *driver,
if (v6present && networkStartRadvd(network) < 0)
goto err4;
+ /* DAD has happened (dnsmasq waits for it), dnsmasq is now bound to the
+ * bridge's IPv6 address, and radvd to the interface, so we can now set the
+ * dummy tun down.
+ */
+ if (tapfd >= 0) {
+ if (virNetDevSetOnline(macTapIfName, false) < 0)
+ goto err4;
+ }
if (virNetDevBandwidthSet(network->def->bridge, network->def->bandwidth) < 0) {
_("cannot set bandwidth limits on %s"),
diff --git a/src/qemu/qemu_command.c b/src/qemu/qemu_command.c
index 22dc871..08457e7 100644
--- a/src/qemu/qemu_command.c
+++ b/src/qemu/qemu_command.c
@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ qemuNetworkIfaceConnect(virDomainDefPtr def,
memcpy(tapmac, net->mac, VIR_MAC_BUFLEN);
tapmac[0] = 0xFE; /* Discourage bridge from using TAP dev MAC */
err = virNetDevTapCreateInBridgePort(brname, &net->ifname, tapmac,
- vnet_hdr, true, &tapfd);
+ vnet_hdr, &tapfd, false);
virDomainAuditNetDevice(def, net, "/dev/net/tun", tapfd >= 0);
if (err < 0) {
if (template_ifname)
diff --git a/src/uml/uml_conf.c b/src/uml/uml_conf.c
index b878622..bd838a6 100644
--- a/src/uml/uml_conf.c
+++ b/src/uml/uml_conf.c
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ umlConnectTapDevice(virConnectPtr conn,
memcpy(tapmac, net->mac, VIR_MAC_BUFLEN);
tapmac[0] = 0xFE; /* Discourage bridge from using TAP dev MAC */
if (virNetDevTapCreateInBridgePort(bridge, &net->ifname, tapmac,
- 0, true, NULL) < 0) {
+ 0, NULL, true) < 0) {
if (template_ifname)
goto error;
diff --git a/src/util/virnetdevtap.c b/src/util/virnetdevtap.c
index 2ed53c6..3e2c2cc 100644
--- a/src/util/virnetdevtap.c
+++ b/src/util/virnetdevtap.c
@@ -109,18 +109,21 @@ virNetDevProbeVnetHdr(int tapfd)
* @ifname: the interface name
* @vnet_hr: whether to try enabling IFF_VNET_HDR
* @tapfd: file descriptor return value for the new tap device
+ * @persist: if the device persists after the file descriptor is closed
* Creates a tap interface.
* If the @tapfd parameter is supplied, the open tap device file
- * descriptor will be returned, otherwise the TAP device will be made
- * persistent and closed. The caller must use brDeleteTap to remove
- * a persistent TAP devices when it is no longer needed.
+ * descriptor will be returned, otherwise the TAP device will be closed. The
+ * TAP device will persist after closing the file descriptor if @persist is
+ * true. The caller must use virNetDevTapDelete to remove a persistent TAP
+ * devices when it is no longer needed.
* Returns 0 in case of success or an errno code in case of failure.
int virNetDevTapCreate(char **ifname,
int vnet_hdr ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
- int *tapfd)
+ int *tapfd,
+ bool persist)
int fd;
struct ifreq ifr;
@@ -156,7 +159,7 @@ int virNetDevTapCreate(char **ifname,
goto cleanup;
- if (!tapfd &&
+ if (persist &&
(errno = ioctl(fd, TUNSETPERSIST, 1))) {
_("Unable to set tap device %s to persistent"),
@@ -249,14 +252,16 @@ int virNetDevTapDelete(const char *ifname ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
* @macaddr: desired MAC address (VIR_MAC_BUFLEN long)
* @vnet_hdr: whether to try enabling IFF_VNET_HDR
* @tapfd: file descriptor return value for the new tap device
+ * @persist: if the device persists after the file descriptor is closed
* This function creates a new tap device on a bridge. @ifname can be either
* a fixed name or a name template with '%d' for dynamic name allocation.
* in either case the final name for the bridge will be stored in @ifname.
* If the @tapfd parameter is supplied, the open tap device file
- * descriptor will be returned, otherwise the TAP device will be made
- * persistent and closed. The caller must use brDeleteTap to remove
- * a persistent TAP devices when it is no longer needed.
+ * descriptor will be returned, otherwise the TAP device will be closed. The
+ * TAP device will persist after closing the file descriptor if @persist is
+ * true. The caller must use virNetDevTapDelete to remove a persistent TAP
+ * devices when it is no longer needed.
* Returns 0 in case of success or -1 on failure
@@ -264,10 +269,10 @@ int virNetDevTapCreateInBridgePort(const char *brname,
char **ifname,
const unsigned char *macaddr,
int vnet_hdr,
- bool up,
- int *tapfd)
+ int *tapfd,
+ bool persist)
- if (virNetDevTapCreate(ifname, vnet_hdr, tapfd) < 0)
+ if (virNetDevTapCreate(ifname, vnet_hdr, tapfd, persist) < 0)
return -1;
/* We need to set the interface MAC before adding it
@@ -289,7 +294,7 @@ int virNetDevTapCreateInBridgePort(const char *brname,
if (virNetDevBridgeAddPort(brname, *ifname) < 0)
goto error;
- if (virNetDevSetOnline(*ifname, up) < 0)
+ if (virNetDevSetOnline(*ifname, true) < 0)
goto error;
return 0;
diff --git a/src/util/virnetdevtap.h b/src/util/virnetdevtap.h
index fb35ac5..6aff641 100644
--- a/src/util/virnetdevtap.h
+++ b/src/util/virnetdevtap.h
@@ -27,7 +27,8 @@
int virNetDevTapCreate(char **ifname,
int vnet_hdr,
- int *tapfd)
+ int *tapfd,
+ bool persist)
int virNetDevTapDelete(const char *ifname)
@@ -37,8 +38,8 @@ int virNetDevTapCreateInBridgePort(const char *brname,
char **ifname,
const unsigned char *macaddr,
int vnet_hdr,
- bool up,
- int *tapfd)
+ int *tapfd,
+ bool persist)
Benjamin Cama <benjamin.cama(a)telecom-bretagne.eu>
12 years, 6 months
[libvirt] [libvirt-glib PATCHv3] Fix *_new_from_xml
by Christophe Fergeau
For objects with a subtype 'type' attribute, when the _new_from_xml
function was called, the 'type' attribute was forcefully set to the
right value rather than checking that the passed-in value matches
the type of the subclass we are trying to instantiate. This commit
changes this, and returns NULL when the value of the 'type' attribute
of the passed-in XML document does not match the expected type.
libvirt-gconfig/libvirt-gconfig-domain-address-pci.c | 5 ++++-
libvirt-gconfig/libvirt-gconfig-domain-address-usb.c | 5 ++++-
libvirt-gconfig/libvirt-gconfig-domain-chardev-source-pty.c | 5 ++++-
libvirt-gconfig/libvirt-gconfig-domain-chardev-source-spicevmc.c | 5 ++++-
libvirt-gconfig/libvirt-gconfig-domain-controller-usb.c | 5 ++++-
libvirt-gconfig/libvirt-gconfig-domain-graphics-sdl.c | 5 +++--
libvirt-gconfig/libvirt-gconfig-domain-graphics-spice.c | 5 +++--
libvirt-gconfig/libvirt-gconfig-domain-graphics-vnc.c | 5 +++--
libvirt-gconfig/libvirt-gconfig-domain-interface-bridge.c | 5 +++--
libvirt-gconfig/libvirt-gconfig-domain-interface-network.c | 5 +++--
libvirt-gconfig/libvirt-gconfig-domain-interface-user.c | 5 +++--
libvirt-gconfig/libvirt-gconfig-domain-timer-pit.c | 5 ++++-
libvirt-gconfig/libvirt-gconfig-domain-timer-rtc.c | 5 ++++-
13 files changed, 46 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)
diff --git a/libvirt-gconfig/libvirt-gconfig-domain-address-pci.c b/libvirt-gconfig/libvirt-gconfig-domain-address-pci.c
index 48e3872..9ad7765 100644
--- a/libvirt-gconfig/libvirt-gconfig-domain-address-pci.c
+++ b/libvirt-gconfig/libvirt-gconfig-domain-address-pci.c
@@ -67,7 +67,10 @@ GVirConfigDomainAddressPci *gvir_config_domain_address_pci_new_from_xml(const gc
object = gvir_config_object_new_from_xml(GVIR_CONFIG_TYPE_DOMAIN_ADDRESS_PCI,
"address", NULL, xml, error);
- gvir_config_object_set_attribute(object, "type", "pci", NULL);
+ if (g_strcmp0(gvir_config_object_get_attribute(object, NULL, "type"), "pci") != 0) {
+ g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(object));
+ g_return_val_if_reached(NULL);
+ }
diff --git a/libvirt-gconfig/libvirt-gconfig-domain-address-usb.c b/libvirt-gconfig/libvirt-gconfig-domain-address-usb.c
index 3da5811..cb7a986 100644
--- a/libvirt-gconfig/libvirt-gconfig-domain-address-usb.c
+++ b/libvirt-gconfig/libvirt-gconfig-domain-address-usb.c
@@ -67,7 +67,10 @@ GVirConfigDomainAddressUsb *gvir_config_domain_address_usb_new_from_xml(const gc
object = gvir_config_object_new_from_xml(GVIR_CONFIG_TYPE_DOMAIN_ADDRESS_USB,
"address", NULL, xml, error);
- gvir_config_object_set_attribute(object, "type", "usb", NULL);
+ if (g_strcmp0(gvir_config_object_get_attribute(object, NULL, "type"), "usb") != 0) {
+ g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(object));
+ g_return_val_if_reached(NULL);
+ }
diff --git a/libvirt-gconfig/libvirt-gconfig-domain-chardev-source-pty.c b/libvirt-gconfig/libvirt-gconfig-domain-chardev-source-pty.c
index 201e123..8b14330 100644
--- a/libvirt-gconfig/libvirt-gconfig-domain-chardev-source-pty.c
+++ b/libvirt-gconfig/libvirt-gconfig-domain-chardev-source-pty.c
@@ -75,7 +75,10 @@ GVirConfigDomainChardevSourcePty *gvir_config_domain_chardev_source_pty_new_from
object = gvir_config_object_new_from_xml(GVIR_CONFIG_TYPE_DOMAIN_CHARDEV_SOURCE_PTY,
"dummy", NULL, xml, error);
- gvir_config_object_set_attribute(object, "type", "pty", NULL);
+ if (g_strcmp0(gvir_config_object_get_attribute(object, NULL, "type"), "pty") != 0) {
+ g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(object));
+ g_return_val_if_reached(NULL);
+ }
diff --git a/libvirt-gconfig/libvirt-gconfig-domain-chardev-source-spicevmc.c b/libvirt-gconfig/libvirt-gconfig-domain-chardev-source-spicevmc.c
index 22eabf5..10c0ab8 100644
--- a/libvirt-gconfig/libvirt-gconfig-domain-chardev-source-spicevmc.c
+++ b/libvirt-gconfig/libvirt-gconfig-domain-chardev-source-spicevmc.c
@@ -75,6 +75,9 @@ GVirConfigDomainChardevSourceSpiceVmc *gvir_config_domain_chardev_source_spicevm
object = gvir_config_object_new_from_xml(GVIR_CONFIG_TYPE_DOMAIN_CHARDEV_SOURCE_SPICE_VMC,
"dummy", NULL, xml, error);
- gvir_config_object_set_attribute(object, "type", "spicevmc", NULL);
+ if (g_strcmp0(gvir_config_object_get_attribute(object, NULL, "type"), "spicevmc") != 0) {
+ g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(object));
+ g_return_val_if_reached(NULL);
+ }
diff --git a/libvirt-gconfig/libvirt-gconfig-domain-controller-usb.c b/libvirt-gconfig/libvirt-gconfig-domain-controller-usb.c
index 1fd248c..d7d7f65 100644
--- a/libvirt-gconfig/libvirt-gconfig-domain-controller-usb.c
+++ b/libvirt-gconfig/libvirt-gconfig-domain-controller-usb.c
@@ -167,7 +167,10 @@ GVirConfigDomainControllerUsb *gvir_config_domain_controller_usb_new_from_xml(co
object = gvir_config_object_new_from_xml(GVIR_CONFIG_TYPE_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_USB,
"controller", NULL, xml, error);
- gvir_config_object_set_attribute(object, "type", "usb", NULL);
+ if (g_strcmp0(gvir_config_object_get_attribute(object, NULL, "type"), "usb") != 0) {
+ g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(object));
+ g_return_val_if_reached(NULL);
+ }
diff --git a/libvirt-gconfig/libvirt-gconfig-domain-graphics-sdl.c b/libvirt-gconfig/libvirt-gconfig-domain-graphics-sdl.c
index 7871ae5..8b22ad0 100644
--- a/libvirt-gconfig/libvirt-gconfig-domain-graphics-sdl.c
+++ b/libvirt-gconfig/libvirt-gconfig-domain-graphics-sdl.c
@@ -68,9 +68,10 @@ gvir_config_domain_graphics_sdl_new_from_xml(const gchar *xml,
object = gvir_config_object_new_from_xml(GVIR_CONFIG_TYPE_DOMAIN_GRAPHICS_SDL,
"graphics", NULL, xml, error);
- if (object == NULL)
+ if (g_strcmp0(gvir_config_object_get_attribute(object, NULL, "type"), "sdl") != 0) {
+ g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(object));
return NULL;
- gvir_config_object_set_attribute(object, "type", "sdl", NULL);
+ }
diff --git a/libvirt-gconfig/libvirt-gconfig-domain-graphics-spice.c b/libvirt-gconfig/libvirt-gconfig-domain-graphics-spice.c
index e60a778..61d3f5b 100644
--- a/libvirt-gconfig/libvirt-gconfig-domain-graphics-spice.c
+++ b/libvirt-gconfig/libvirt-gconfig-domain-graphics-spice.c
@@ -68,9 +68,10 @@ gvir_config_domain_graphics_spice_new_from_xml(const gchar *xml,
object = gvir_config_object_new_from_xml(GVIR_CONFIG_TYPE_DOMAIN_GRAPHICS_SPICE,
"graphics", NULL, xml, error);
- if (object == NULL)
+ if (g_strcmp0(gvir_config_object_get_attribute(object, NULL, "type"), "spice") != 0) {
+ g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(object));
return NULL;
- gvir_config_object_set_attribute(object, "type", "spice", NULL);
+ }
diff --git a/libvirt-gconfig/libvirt-gconfig-domain-graphics-vnc.c b/libvirt-gconfig/libvirt-gconfig-domain-graphics-vnc.c
index d9d1303..f2fc9d5 100644
--- a/libvirt-gconfig/libvirt-gconfig-domain-graphics-vnc.c
+++ b/libvirt-gconfig/libvirt-gconfig-domain-graphics-vnc.c
@@ -68,9 +68,10 @@ gvir_config_domain_graphics_vnc_new_from_xml(const gchar *xml,
object = gvir_config_object_new_from_xml(GVIR_CONFIG_TYPE_DOMAIN_GRAPHICS_VNC,
"graphics", NULL, xml, error);
- if (object == NULL)
+ if (g_strcmp0(gvir_config_object_get_attribute(object, NULL, "type"), "vnc") != 0) {
+ g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(object));
return NULL;
- gvir_config_object_set_attribute(object, "type", "vnc", NULL);
+ }
diff --git a/libvirt-gconfig/libvirt-gconfig-domain-interface-bridge.c b/libvirt-gconfig/libvirt-gconfig-domain-interface-bridge.c
index ea5eafa..09a7efc 100644
--- a/libvirt-gconfig/libvirt-gconfig-domain-interface-bridge.c
+++ b/libvirt-gconfig/libvirt-gconfig-domain-interface-bridge.c
@@ -70,9 +70,10 @@ GVirConfigDomainInterfaceBridge *gvir_config_domain_interface_bridge_new_from_xm
object = gvir_config_object_new_from_xml(GVIR_CONFIG_TYPE_DOMAIN_INTERFACE_BRIDGE,
"interface", NULL, xml, error);
- if (object == NULL)
+ if (g_strcmp0(gvir_config_object_get_attribute(object, NULL, "type"), "bridge") != 0) {
+ g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(object));
return NULL;
- gvir_config_object_set_attribute(object, "type", "bridge", NULL);
+ }
diff --git a/libvirt-gconfig/libvirt-gconfig-domain-interface-network.c b/libvirt-gconfig/libvirt-gconfig-domain-interface-network.c
index 1a7bfad..ce39234 100644
--- a/libvirt-gconfig/libvirt-gconfig-domain-interface-network.c
+++ b/libvirt-gconfig/libvirt-gconfig-domain-interface-network.c
@@ -69,9 +69,10 @@ GVirConfigDomainInterfaceNetwork *gvir_config_domain_interface_network_new_from_
object = gvir_config_object_new_from_xml(GVIR_CONFIG_TYPE_DOMAIN_INTERFACE_NETWORK,
"interface", NULL, xml, error);
- if (object == NULL)
+ if (g_strcmp0(gvir_config_object_get_attribute(object, NULL, "type"), "network") != 0) {
+ g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(object));
return NULL;
- gvir_config_object_set_attribute(object, "type", "network", NULL);
+ }
diff --git a/libvirt-gconfig/libvirt-gconfig-domain-interface-user.c b/libvirt-gconfig/libvirt-gconfig-domain-interface-user.c
index a455a73..4ede31f 100644
--- a/libvirt-gconfig/libvirt-gconfig-domain-interface-user.c
+++ b/libvirt-gconfig/libvirt-gconfig-domain-interface-user.c
@@ -69,8 +69,9 @@ GVirConfigDomainInterfaceUser *gvir_config_domain_interface_user_new_from_xml(co
object = gvir_config_object_new_from_xml(GVIR_CONFIG_TYPE_DOMAIN_INTERFACE_USER,
"interface", NULL, xml, error);
- if (object == NULL)
+ if (g_strcmp0(gvir_config_object_get_attribute(object, NULL, "type"), "user") != 0) {
+ g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(object));
return NULL;
- gvir_config_object_set_attribute(object, "type", "user", NULL);
+ }
diff --git a/libvirt-gconfig/libvirt-gconfig-domain-timer-pit.c b/libvirt-gconfig/libvirt-gconfig-domain-timer-pit.c
index d75cd30..d5e57f1 100644
--- a/libvirt-gconfig/libvirt-gconfig-domain-timer-pit.c
+++ b/libvirt-gconfig/libvirt-gconfig-domain-timer-pit.c
@@ -67,6 +67,9 @@ GVirConfigDomainTimerPit *gvir_config_domain_timer_pit_new_from_xml(const gchar
object = gvir_config_object_new_from_xml(GVIR_CONFIG_TYPE_DOMAIN_TIMER_PIT,
"timer", NULL, xml, error);
- gvir_config_object_set_attribute(object, "name", "pit", NULL);
+ if (g_strcmp0(gvir_config_object_get_attribute(object, NULL, "type"), "pit") != 0) {
+ g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(object));
+ g_return_val_if_reached(NULL);
+ }
diff --git a/libvirt-gconfig/libvirt-gconfig-domain-timer-rtc.c b/libvirt-gconfig/libvirt-gconfig-domain-timer-rtc.c
index b99c1e3..64b7f80 100644
--- a/libvirt-gconfig/libvirt-gconfig-domain-timer-rtc.c
+++ b/libvirt-gconfig/libvirt-gconfig-domain-timer-rtc.c
@@ -67,6 +67,9 @@ GVirConfigDomainTimerRtc *gvir_config_domain_timer_rtc_new_from_xml(const gchar
object = gvir_config_object_new_from_xml(GVIR_CONFIG_TYPE_DOMAIN_TIMER_RTC,
"timer", NULL, xml, error);
- gvir_config_object_set_attribute(object, "name", "rtc", NULL);
+ if (g_strcmp0(gvir_config_object_get_attribute(object, NULL, "type"), "rtc") != 0) {
+ g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(object));
+ g_return_val_if_reached(NULL);
+ }
12 years, 6 months
[libvirt] [RFC] [PATCH v2 1/6] add configure option --with-fuse for libvirt
by Gao feng
add a configure option --with-fuse to prepare introduction
of fuse support for libvirt lxc.
With help from Daniel
Signed-off-by: Gao feng <gaofeng(a)cn.fujitsu.com>
configure.ac | 36 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
libvirt.spec.in | 9 +++++++++
2 files changed, 45 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
index 3cc7b3c..e6d207e 100644
--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -1695,6 +1695,37 @@ AC_SUBST([CAPNG_CFLAGS])
+dnl libfuse
+ AC_HELP_STRING([--with-fuse], [use libfuse to proivde fuse filesystem support for libvirt lxc]),
+ [],
+ [with_fuse=check])
+dnl This check looks for 'fuse'
+if test "x$with_fuse" != "xno"; then
+ [with_fuse=yes], [
+ if test "x$with_fuse" = "xcheck" ; then
+ with_fuse=no
+ else
+ [You must install fuse-devel to compile libvirt])
+ fi
+ ])
+ if test "x$with_fuse" = "xyes" ; then
+ FUSE_LIBS="-lfuse"
+ AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED([HAVE_FUSE], 1, [whether fuse is available for libvirt lxc])
+ fi
+AM_CONDITIONAL([HAVE_FUSE], [test "x$with_fuse" = "xyes"])
dnl virsh libraries
@@ -2944,6 +2975,11 @@ AC_MSG_NOTICE([ capng: $CAPNG_CFLAGS $CAPNG_LIBS])
AC_MSG_NOTICE([ capng: no])
+if test "$with_fuse" = "yes" ; then
+AC_MSG_NOTICE([ fuse: no])
if test "$with_xen" = "yes" ; then
diff --git a/libvirt.spec.in b/libvirt.spec.in
index 140a182..939569e 100644
--- a/libvirt.spec.in
+++ b/libvirt.spec.in
@@ -91,6 +91,7 @@
# A few optional bits off by default, we enable later
%define with_polkit 0%{!?_without_polkit:0}
%define with_capng 0%{!?_without_capng:0}
+%define with_fuse 0%{!?_without_fuse:0}
%define with_netcf 0%{!?_without_netcf:0}
%define with_udev 0%{!?_without_udev:0}
%define with_hal 0%{!?_without_hal:0}
@@ -466,6 +467,9 @@ BuildRequires: numactl-devel
%if %{with_capng}
BuildRequires: libcap-ng-devel >= 0.5.0
+%if %{with_fuse}
+BuildRequires: fuse-devel
%if %{with_phyp}
BuildRequires: libssh2-devel
@@ -1116,6 +1120,10 @@ of recent versions of Linux (and other OSes).
%define _without_capng --without-capng
+%if ! %{with_fuse}
+%define _without_fuse --without-fuse
%if ! %{with_netcf}
%define _without_netcf --without-netcf
@@ -1206,6 +1214,7 @@ autoreconf -if
%{?_without_numactl} \
%{?_without_numad} \
%{?_without_capng} \
+ %{?_without_fuse} \
%{?_without_netcf} \
%{?_without_selinux} \
%{?_without_hal} \
12 years, 6 months