Re: [Libvir] Xen Routed
by Daniel P. Berrange
On Wed, Oct 04, 2006 at 08:09:27AM -0600, Nick Devito wrote:
> On Wed, 2006-10-04 at 14:06 +0100, Daniel P. Berrange wrote:
> > On Tue, Oct 03, 2006 at 07:15:23PM -0700, Sargun Dhillon wrote:
> > > Does the XML file format support routed?
> > > If so, what would the <interface> clause look like?
> >
> > I'm not familiar with the way routed networking is setup with Xen. If you
> > can provide the example VIF device config params from /etc/xen/<some guest>
> > which are needed for routing I'll check if they map through to libvirt
> > XML format in neccessary manner.
> >
> Xen routed requires the ip= configuration variable, and, I think thats
> it. I don't see any reason why it shouldn't work correctly.
Ok, looking at the XML parsing routines we don't currently support the
'ip' property. Fortunately, it looks as if one of Michel Ponceau's
patches from a thread last week ought to solve this problem, so we ought
to be able to get this working for next release.
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18 years, 2 months
[Libvir] Xen Routed
by Sargun Dhillon
Does the XML file format support routed?
If so, what would the <interface> clause look like?
Sargun Dhillon
Atarack Communications, Inc.
18 years, 2 months
[Libvir] Problem with hypercall
by Jim Fehlig
Stumbled across a problem trying to list domains with libvirt-0.1.5.
Using virsh I get errors such as
xen81:/tests/jim # virsh list
Id Name State
0 Domain-0 running
libvir: Xen Daemon error : GET operation failed: No such domain 16
xm shows
xen81:/tests/jim # xm list
Name ID Mem(MiB) VCPUs State Time(s)
Domain-0 0 2048 4 r----- 815825.8
vm1 1 512 2 -b---- 0.3
I found that the buffer provided for XEN_V1_OP_GETDOMAININFOLIST
hypercall differs slightly from the buffer in xen/dom0_ops.h.
Attached is a patch against current cvs that works for me, but I'm not
familiar with this part of the code so not sure if this is the proper fix.
I'm using xen 3.0.2 that shipped with SLES10.
18 years, 2 months
[Libvir] Proposal for virtual devices described in XML
Proposal modified after comments from Daniel P. Berrange:
/* Create a virtual device attachment to backend */
int virDomainAttachDevice(virDomainPtr domain, char *xml);
/* Destroy a virtual device attachment to backend */
int virDomainDetachDevice(virDomainPtr domain, char *xml);
/* @domain: pointer to domain object
* @xml: pointer to XML description of one device
* Returns 0 in case of success, -1 in case of failure. */
The XML would be in same form as the part of domain description for a
single device, either <disk.../disk> or <interface.../interface>.
In Detach function, the device is identified by its target name for
"disk", and its MAC address for "interface". When the MAC address has not
been assigned by Libvirt user at device creation, it must be retrieved
from Xen using virDomainGetXMLDesc function.
18 years, 2 months