Today I was trying to start a node using libvirt on ESX (esxi-5.1)
hypervisor and I got the following error message:
*virsh # define /local/myNode/esxdomain.xml*
*Domain testNode defined from /local/myNode/esxdomain.xml*
*virsh # start testNode*
*error: Failed to start domain testNode*
*error: internal error: Could not start domain: GenericVmConfigFault -
Cannot open the disk
/vmfs/volues/5208f99d-760cf4a2-000c29520788/testNode.vmdk or one of the
snapshot disks it depends on.*
I checked the datastore of my ESX server and found out that instead of file
one directory is getting created with the name* cluster.vmdk *and inside it
there are few more files but cluster.vmdk file is not there.
/vmfs/volumes # cd datastore1
/vmfs/volues/5208f99d-760cf4a2-000c29520788 # ls
/vmfs/volues/5208f99d-760cf4a2-000c29520788 # cd cluster.vmdk
/vmfs/volues/5208f99d-760cf4a2-000c29520788/cluster.vmdk # ls -ltr
*-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 261 Aug 12 17:30 cluster.vmdk*
*-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 674 Aug 12 17:30 cluster.vmx*
*-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Aug 12 17:30 cluster.vmsd*
/vmfs/volues/5208f99d-760cf4a2-000c29520788/cluster.vmdk #
Can anyone tell me how to start a node and why I am getting that error
Below is my xml file.
*<domain type='vmware'>*
* <name>testNode</name>*
* <uuid>50115e16-9bdc-49d7-f171-53c4d7f91710</uuid>*
* <memory>1048576</memory>*
* <currentMemory>1048576</currentMemory>*
* <vcpu>1</vcpu>*
* <os>*
* <type arch='x86_64'>hvm</type>*
* </os>*
* <devices>*
* <disk type='file' device='disk'>*
* <source file='[datastore1] cluster.vmdk'/>*
* <target dev='sda' bus='scsi'/>*
* <address type='drive' controller='0' bus='0'
* </disk>*
* <controller type='scsi' index='0'/>*
* <interface type='bridge'>*
* <mac address='00:50:56:25:48:c7'/>*
* <source bridge='VM Network'/>*
* </interface>*
* </devices>*
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