As part of a research project for the HES-SO (/http://www.hes-so.ch/), I
produced a document on the operation of libvirt and implementation of a
libvirt cloning function to ESXi.
Currently this document is available in French
(/http://www.tdeig.ch/kvm/Libvirt.pdf/). If anyone is interestedin, I
can translate it into English.
Your remarks and comments are welcome.
Best regards,
Penas Cédric
_Cédric Penas
Assistant HES
Laboratoire de Transmission de Données
Rue de la Prairie 4
CH-1202 Genève
cedric.penas(a)hesge.ch <mailto:cedric.penas@hesge.ch>
www.hesge.ch/hepia <
Tél. +41 (0)22 546 25 47