On Mon, Mar 24, 2008 at 07:37:51PM +0900, Saori Fukuta wrote:
Thank you for applying it. I will try "syntax-check" next
thanks :-)
> However, i don't see why it is needed, basically when
running with Xen
> as root, the hypervisor access should be used, not xend, so this seems to
> indicate that you have problem using the hypervisor calls and that's probably
> something to worry about. But it's fine having a more complete xend driver
> surrport.
Yes, the hypervisor access should be used for root user.
But if a domain is inactive, we cannot see/set the scheduler parameters
hum, right i forgot the inactive domain problem.
with visrh command even though xm command can do it since we cannot
access to the hypervisor.
And also, we cannot allow to see the scheduler parameters for user who
connect with read-only for the same reason.
Well read-only should still connect to the daemon, at least to read the
status, the proxy mode should be deprecated, except for older setups.
For such case, I thought we needed the patch to access with Xend
Okay, understood. But we have been bitten with the hypervisor being broken
with xen-3.2 and not realizing it because things were done (in a far more
expensive way) via xend.
Red Hat Virtualization group
Daniel Veillard | virtualization library
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