On 18.10.2016 14:59, zhunxun(a)gmail.com wrote:
Now I want to add some args about TPM to domain's XML,so I can
start a domain by virt-manager or other virsh command,and then ,I would like to use sVIrt
security context to label vTPM and correspondingVM,But I do not know how to get these XML
args in libvirt.
the key problem is that how can i get and recognize these args!!!
related XML content :
Usually, grepping the code for cmd name <-> XML element/attribute
translation is sufficient (esp. if you grep tests/)
<qemu:arg value='-enable-kvm'/>
Firstly, this is obsolete in favour of "-machine accel=kvm". In any
case, <domain type='kvm'/> will do the trick (libvirt will use whatever
is supported by qemu binary in your system).
<qemu:arg value='-drive'/>
Okay, this is not supported by libvirt yet. We don't really have a way
how to specify NVRAM in anything other than a raw file. BTW: isn't qcow
too big gun for NVRAM? I mean, NVRAM has a fixed size of what ~190 KB?
QCOW header is about the same size.
<qemu:arg value='-device'/>
<qemu:arg value='tpm-tis,tpmdev=tpm-tpm0,id=tpm0'/>
<qemu:arg value='-tpmdev'/>
<qemu:arg value='libtpms,id=tpm-tpm0,nvram=nvram0-0-0,startup=clear'/>
I'm not sure there's a way how to put startup=clean on the cmd line. I'm
not even sure what it does.
And I have not idea what libtpms is either :-)
<qemu:arg value='-bios'/>
<qemu:arg value='/root/xenSeabios/out/bios.bin'/>