On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 05:28:01PM -0400, David Lively wrote:
Hi -
I'm looking into using (which I think means extending) libvirt to
enumerate "potential" storage pool resources, in particular:
* existing physical disk device names (for creating "disk" pools)
* existing logical volume group names (for creating "logical" pools)
Note that List{Defined,Active}StorageGroups don't do the trick. Suppose
this is a new host and I'm trying to start defining the storage pools
(and I want to be able to use existing volume groups, for example). I
don't see how to do that within the current libvirt framework. If I'm
missing something, please let me know (and ignore the rest of this
message ...).
You're not missing anything - this is a TODO item. When I wrote the
original storage APIs, I had a prototype
int virConnectDiscoverStoragePools(virConnectPtr conn,
const char *hostname,
const char *type,
unsigned int flags,
char ***xmlDesc);
Which was intended to probe for available storage of the requested type
(eg, LVM, vs disks, vs iSCSI targets, etc, etc), and return a list of XML
documents describing each discovered object. This could be fed into the
API virStoragePoolDefineXML.
I didn't include this in the end, because I wasn't happy with the
API contract. For example, it only allows a hostname to be specified
as metadata, but it may be desirable to include a port number as well
for network based storage.
This could be done by adding some new calls like:
int virConnectListPhysDisks(virConnectPtr conn, char ** const name, int maxnames)
??? int virConnectListLogicalVolGroups(virConnectPtr conn, char ** const name, int
... plus a pair of NumOf functions ...
But these are each storage-driver specific. For example, if I'm not
using the "logical" storage driver, I have no need (or means) of listing
volume groups. So maybe it's cleaner to fold these two functions into
one, now parameterized by storage driver type:
int virConnectListStorageSources(virConnectPtr conn, const char *type, char ** const
name, int maxnames)
... plus a NumOf function ...
where <type> is one of the supported storage pool types.
Yes, I definitely want the discovery API to be able to handle disks,
LVM, iSCSI, FibreChanel, NFS - basically everything in one.
That said, in the case of physical disks, we may well end up with a
parallel way to discover disk device names, via generic hardware device
enumeration APIs
So, if <type> is "disk", ListStorageSources acts like
and if <type> is "logical", ListStorageSources acts like
(and we return empty lists or some sort of "unsupported" error for any
other types ... can't list all possible network servers, for instance).
For network sources I anticipated that you'd provide a hostname when
triggering discovery. For NFS, this is sufficient to let you query
all exported volumes. For iSCSI this lets you query available target
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