On 17.06.2013 17:19, mzawdx wrote:
Hi all:
Work with virsh CLI, I can easy use the CLI " virsh -c
qemu+tcp:// domdisplay instance-00000001" successfully:
[root@webmintest ~]# virsh -c qemu+tcp:// domdisplay
Please enter your authentication name: fred
Please enter your password:
However, I can find any libvit-python API related to this CLI, does it
exist ?
No. The domdisplay command is pure virsh with a XPATH magic. The
algorithm is as follows:
1) dump the XML of desired domain
2) for i in "vnc", "spice", "rdp"; do
2a) xpath = string(/domain/devices/graphics[@type='%s']/@port), %i
2b) port = xpath_query($domxml, $xpath)
2c) if !port continue
2d) xpath = string(/domain/devices/graphics[@type='%s']/@listen), %i
2e) listen = xpath_query($domxml, $xpath)
2f) if ($i == "vnc) port -= 5900;
3) print %s://%s:%d, %i %listen %port
The whole source is here: