On Wed, Apr 01, 2009 at 10:13:53PM -0700, Sukadev Bhattiprolu wrote:
I run qemu (version 0.9.1 kvm-84) with -serial option as follows:
- serial telnet::2445,server
so I can telnet to 2445 and have a serial console.
I tried specifying this to libvirt (version 0.6.0) using the following stanza:
<serial type='tcp'>
<source mode="bind" host=""
<protocol type="telnet"/>
<target port="1"/>
I checked /var/log/libvirt/qemu/<guest>.log and found that libvirt
added 'nowait' to the serial option:
-serial telnet:,server,nowait
which is fine (I think).
But when I start my guest, and "telnet 2445" I don't get any
output even though the guest boots up fine. After the guest boots
$ echo foo > /dev/ttyS0
in the guest shows the 'foo' in the telnet window. But I don't get the
boot/shutdown messages.
I also have the vnc option in the xml,
<graphics type='vnc' port='5902' autoport='no'
so if I open vncviewer, I can see the boot messages. The problem with this
though is if the kernel fails to boot for some reason, the vncviewer exits
and I can't find the reason the boot failed.
My kernel boot command line has 'console=ttyS0' option. Is there anything
else I need to ensure 'telnet port' displays the messages ?
That setting should be what's required to make serial console work. Are
you sure you've got it set in the correct place of grub.conf for the
guest OS ? I have my guests configured using:
"console=ttyS0 console=tty"
whch makes messages go to the serial port and graphical console
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