On Tue, 2017-07-11 at 14:44 +0530, Vishnu Pajjuri wrote:
I'm running Openstack which is installed by using
devstack. But it is not launching VMs.
libvir-list is for the *development* of libvirt: for
questions related to *running* libvirt, please use the
libvirt-users mailing list instead.
From command line with gic_version=3 option it is running.
But openstack glance doesn't have any privilege to specify
gic version.
On my ARM64 board gicv2 is not supported, so i want to make
gicv3 as default one to pass to qemu.
Kindly suggest any specific version of vibvirt or patch
such that libvirt should pass gicv3 as default one.
If you're running libvirt >= 1.3.5 and QEMU >= 2.6.0, both
released about a year ago, you should get GICv3 out of the
box because of the capabilities of your hardware.
That said, aarch64 support has been steadily improving
throughout the stack, so I would strongly recommend you
don't stop there and install the very latest upstream
releases of all components instead.
Andrea Bolognani / Red Hat / Virtualization