On Thu, Nov 17, 2016 at 03:34:19PM +0100, Mehdi Abaakouk wrote:
I'm looking for interface statistics for a vhostuser network interface
(that uses ovs-dpdk on the other socket side).
The "virsh domifstat <domain> <ifname>" obviously don't works
because it
looks at "/proc/net/dev" for statistics. When we use vhostuser, we don't
create network interface on the host but a socket.
Many tools currently rely on the domainInterfaceStats() API to retrieve
this kind of information.
So I would like to known if their is a plan to support ovs as network
interface statistics source (with something like
"ovs-vsctl get Interface <ifname> statistics") ?
I have started to write a PoC code that fallback to OVS in virNetInterfaceStats()
when we don't found the interface in /proc/net/dev.
Does this kind of contribution is welcome/match your plan ?
Yes, if there's a way to gather the equivalent data with OVS, patches for
that would be welcome.
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