On 21/08/13 13:38, Yaniv Hadad wrote:
I am looking for the equivalent of virsh *domblklist *in libvirt API
reference. I am using the Java binding.
What I want to get is the device list of the domain as in the
following example:
virsh # domblklist centos64test
Target Source
hda /instances/centos64test.img
hdc -
There is no API for it yet. Command domblklist extracts the device list by
parsing the domain XML, which is got by virDomainGetXMLDesc.
Yaniv Hadad
Servers & Network Group, IBM R&D Labs in Israel
Software Devloper
yanivh(a)il.ibm.com, +972-4-829-6594
Fax: +972-4-829-6111, Cell: +972-50-4078908
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