I want to manage a 32 bit i686 guest on an x86_64 host with kvm and libvirt.
KVM is perfectly capable of doing this (look e.g. at
http://kvm.qumranet.com/kvmwiki/Guest_Support_Status) but libvirt did not
allow it.
So I created the attached patch to allow it and make it easy to extend the
capabilities of kvm and kqemu later on.
I did not add anything I'm not sure about, so I did not at 64bit guest on
32bit host (though the page linked above seems to indicate that it works) and
did not change the capabilities of kqemu at all (because I don't have any
experience with it and never used it).
Please consider merging.
Kind regards,
Address (better: trap) for people I really don't want to get mail from: