This year's Google Summer of Code has been announced:
For those who haven't heard of GSoC before, it funds university
students to work on open source projects during the summer.
Organizations, such as QEMU, can participate to attract students who
will tackle projects for 12 weeks this summer. The GSoC program has
been very successful because it gives students real open source
experience and organizations can grow their development community.
QEMU has participated for several years and I would like to organize
our participation this year. Luiz was QEMU organization administrator
last year and contacted me because he will not have time this year. I
will prepare the application form for QEMU so that we will be
considered for 2012.
Umbrella organization
Like last year, we can provide a home for KVM kernel module and
libvirt projects too if those organizations prefer not to apply to
GSoC themselves. Please let us know so we can work together!
To maximise the spirit of collaboration between libvirt & QEMU/KVM
communities I think it would make sense for us to work together under
the same GSoC Umbrella organization.