Hi all,
this patch series fixes a few problems I encountered when getting virt-sandbox-service
containers with images to work. The very first patch fixes a crasher in virt-aa-helper
tests... but we were pretty lucky it didn't explode before: virErrors weren't
Cédric Bosdonnat (5):
virt-aa-helper wasn't running virErrorInitialize
virt-aa-helper: /etc/libvirt-sandbox/services isn't restricted
ip link needs 'name' in 3.16 to create the veth pair
lxc: be more patient while resolving symlinks
lxc: don't unmount subtree if it contains the source of the mount
src/conf/domain_conf.h | 1 +
src/lxc/lxc_container.c | 85 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
src/security/virt-aa-helper.c | 14 ++++++-
src/util/virnetdevveth.c | 4 +-
4 files changed, 74 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-)