some of this code doesn't build anymore due to the recent changes with
the conn parameter being removed.
Do you want me to re-submit?
I actually liked the conn parameter for error reporting and handling in
the return path. Any function
where the conn parameter was needed, I anticipated a simple return code
for success and failure with the
error already attached to the 'conn' parameter via one of the error
reporting functions. Other functions
where the conn parameter was not passed, the return value was anticipated
to have an 'errno meaning'. Now
that meaning seems lost. I am wondering whether I can still leave the conn
parameter as an ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED
for those functions where I only anticipate a success/failure return and
error already being reported
via a function?
libvir-list-bounces(a)redhat.com wrote on 02/08/2010 02:35:43 PM:
This is a re-post of previously posted patches following Daniel
Berrange's request for changes along with other fixes.
The following patches provide support for making the macvtap
networking device type available to Qemu/KVM VMs. The patches rely on
the macvtap driver that just became available through the Linux net-next
tree (fixes still may be necessary) and make the device available to
Qemu/KVM via a tap file descriptor similar to a 'regular' tap device.
Following up on previous discussions, the libvirt patches allow using
the following XML in the domain description to enable qemu network
connectivity via this type of device:
<interface type='direct'>
<source dev='eth1' mode='vepa'/>
<model type='virtio'/>
The above XML indicates that eth1 is the Ethernet interface to link
the macvtap device to and communicate to the network. As a consequence,
libvirt will create an instance of a macvtap device, assign it the same
MAC address as the VM's interface has and open a file descriptor of the
associated character device /dev/tap%d and pass it via command line to
Qemu/kvm. In the above XML the mode can be chosen as 'vepa', 'private'
or 'bridge' and is by default set to 'vepa'(by the driver) if omitted.
Attachment and detachment of macvtap to/from a running VM also works.
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