On 02/24/2014 05:09 PM, vikhyath reddy wrote:
[Please don't top-post on technical lists]
Thanks for the replies guys, libvirt-glib sure sounds interesting. On
other hand I was able to leave libvirt.so alone and write my own wrapper
(based on libvirt/examples) for easy calls from NodeJS. I can get to list
VMs, their config etc. from node but not able to list the operating system
running on the VM (ubuntu, win7, etc.). I can get the os_type though (hvm
in my case) but that does not tell me whether it is running a windows or a
linux distro.
Libvirt can't tell you what the guest is running. For that, you need
higher-level software, such as libguestfs. virt-manager is an example
of a program that uses libguestfs to probe which OS is running in the guest.
Eric Blake eblake redhat com +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library