On Fri, 2006-03-31 at 16:47 -0500, Daniel Veillard wrote:
Well libvirt doesn't have the notion of 'passive'
domain yet, i.e. domain
we know exists but are not running or activated at a given point in time.
If we define virDomainSetConfig() then we have to be able to extract at least
the name (and uuid) from the xmlDesc. And that routine could then returm
a virDomainPtr associated to this unactive domain (or the associated
active domain if it exists). Those unactive domains could then be listed
in virConnectListDomains().
How would that jive with other ways to create inactive domains ? Right
now I can create a file in /etc/xen and immediately have an incative
domain; I always thought that the xm scripts would eventually be
replaced by libvirt-based scripts and conventions for where to put
files, but that libvirt would remain focused on active domains.
I agree that it would be nice to have a standard way to enumerate
'defined' (as opposed to 'active') domains, but it seems a little odd to
require a library to do what amounts to putting a file into a
well-defined place.