Description of problem:
a) libvirt should use vgchange -aly/-aln instead of vgchange -ay/-an for
clustered volume groups
b) libvirt should skip not activated/suspended volumes during
pool-create/pool-refresh for logical pools
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
a) vgchange -ay/-an
1. Build 2-node cluster
2. Create clustered volume group
3. Create logical storage pool in libvirt
4. Open/mount any volume on the first node
5. Try to destroy storage pool on the second node
b) not activated volumes:
1. Build 2-node cluster
2. Create clustered volume group
3. Activate exclusively any volume on the first node
4. Try to create pool on the second node
Actual results:
a) vgchange -ay/-an
# virsh pool-destroy vg
error: Failed to destroy pool vg
error: internal error '/sbin/vgchange -an vg' exited with non-zero
status 5 and
signal 0: Error locking on node node1: LV vg/lv1 in use: not deactivating
b) not activated volumes:
# virsh pool-create vg.xml
error: Failed to create pool from vg.xml
error: internal error lvs command failed
Expected results:
a) vgchange -ay/-an
# virsh pool-destroy vg
Pool vg destroyed
b) not activated volumes:
# virsh pool-create vg.xml
Pool vg created from vg.xml
Additional info:
Attached patch fix problem for me.
Original bug report:
С уважением,
Роман Шишнёв,
CTO | ActiveCloud |
Т +375 17 2 911 511 доб. 308 | rommer(a)active.by
Облачные решения | Серверы и инфраструктура | IaaS | SaaS | Хостинг